Miguel A Paniagua, MD, FACP, FAAHPM

Miguel A Paniagua, MD, FACP, FAAHPM

Dr. Paniagua practices consultative Hospice and Palliative Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and is Adjunct Professor of Medicine in the faculty of the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the co-editor of the fifth & sixth edition of "Constructing Written Test Questions for the Basic and Clinical Sciences," and the fifth edition of “Essential Practices” (UNIPAC) palliative medicine book series. Dr. Paniagua is the Vice President of Medical Education at the American College of Physicians.


advance directives discussion
artificial nutrition and hydration discussion
code status discussion and documentation
curative to palliative care transition
end of life decision making
goals of care discussion
hospice and palliative care for advance illness
hospice and palliative care for cancer patients
molst discussion and documentation
palliative care
palliative care for advance illness symptoms
palliative care for cancer symptoms
palliative care for treatment side effects
palliative care for wound management
palliative care management of depression
palliative care management of dyspnea
palliative care management of pain
patient and family end of life care support
patient and family palliative care support
post hospitalization hospice and palliative care
quality of life discussion and management
treatment appropriateness discussion