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Tonica Grade School

535 North 1981 Road

The Board of Education, administration, and staff of the Tonica Grade School believe that all children can learn, all children must be served, and that the primary purpose of the school improvement process is to improve student performance.

With these basic assumptions as a point of reference, the following points are deemed necessary to insure that all students have an opportunity to be successful secondary students, and ultimately productive members of our society:

1. To be responsible for their actions;
2. To use the skills necessary for successful problem solving;
3. To communicate effectively through the written and spoken word;
4. To be able to build basic skills from each grade level to the next;
5. To be able to foster and to work toward achieving goals;
6. To be aware of others and the handicapped;
7. To understand cooperative learning to achieve harmony;
8. To be a good listener;
9. To express their thoughts without fear;
10. To develop the whole child: academically, physically, emotionally, socially, and artistically.
