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The People's Church of Montello

3045 15th Road


Providing people with the irresistible invitation to encounter the living God in a way that will awaken within them a passionate love for God where their personal relationship with Jesus Christ will transform their spiritual lives and improve the quality of every part of their lives.


Taking the Gospel to the cutting edges of contemporary life by sharing God's love with everyone we meet.


The People's Church was founded on June 7th , 1998 . The founding members of the People's Church were people who had attended church their entire lives and who had belonged to local churches since they were confirmed and received into membership. Throughout their lives they had witnessed vibrant church ministries and not so vibrant church ministries. The founding members participated in the lives of many churches of various denominations. As they experienced the historical church and shared their experiences – they discovered a common experience.

They met as a group of 20 people.  After much discussion, prayer and planning, they expressed that they heard the call of Jesus Christ, calling them to be a church. With Christ as the foundation of this church, the founding members began to put God's dream and vision into reality. The founding members held the following principles as foundational:

- The Christian Church is a community God has called into existence.

- The spirit of God moves through the church saving God's people through the grace of God, and the spirit of God moves the church forward in the church's mission to do and be what God is calling the church to do and be.

- The message of the church since the church's birth is Jesus Christ, Crucified and Risen, is the Lord and Savior of all.

- The church is a place where people who believe Jesus Christ is Lord gather to hear the good news of the Gospel; gain insight and understanding of the scriptures; embrace God's free gift of grace and develop their faith and trust in the living God.

- The church of Christ is a congregation of faithful people who make the declaration "Jesus is my Lord and my God.”

- The church is the body of Christ.

- Jesus did not leave behind a creed or code of ethics or rule book or set of instructions, but rather Jesus left behind a community of people whom he taught and with whom he shared his life and spirit.

- Jesus called this community together to help him in the task of preaching and healing.

- The purpose of the church is to continue Christ's work in the world

- The church is not so much a building, a denomination, a set of rigid doctrines or a set of rules – as it is a People gathered to worship God and grow in the faith together.

- The People of God are the church and Christ is present in the church.

- The People of God should have a direct part in the decisions regarding the future of the Church, the future of their ministry in the place God has planted them.
