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Taft District Chamber of Commerce

400 Kern Street

About Us

Starting in 1910, the Taft Chamber has worked to put to good use its efforts to help support businesses. Chambers of Commerce across the country have served the needs of businesses in the United States since 1773. Chambers have represented the voice of business and supported the growth of Cities through the war for independence, civil war, great depression, agricultural and industrial age, World War I and II and now the information age. Today, as we "Focus on the Future," we are in a transition as we update our products and services which will allow us to move information more effectively. Taft District Chamber is incorporating a new database conversion while preparing a business development package that includes this web site, a locally produced City of Taft video, business development brochures, and an advertising campaign which combined will help us share the story of Taft.

We are working in partnership with the City to continue the process to streamline and clarify the permitting for small and large businesses so that we can show our ability to respond to individual needs. This is especially important in this transition year for the City of Taft as we enjoy a boom from new investment and see new businesses, while some family businesses are retiring and others are expanding. The location and costs of property and business in Taft continue to make it an attractive place for businesses to start and expand. It is through these combined interests of business that each generation of businesses and business leaders have gathered strength and made the neccessary adaptations that grow our economy.
