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Seventh-Day Adventist Church

2434 Taylor Road

Mission Statement

The West Frankfort Seventh-day Adventist Church is a member congregation of the worldwideSeventh-day Adventist Church.  It is committed to the proclamation of the gospel of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ.  As our name implies, we believe in the soon return of Jesus and the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath of our Lord.  We also believe in the unity of a person’s spiritual, mental, and physical faculties.

In harmony with our beliefs, the West Frankfort Seventh-day Adventist Church in committed to Christian discipleship through:

  • Demonstrating attitudes of love, humility, kindness, patience, openness, thanksgiving, and forgiveness
  • Sharing our world view with others
  • Reflecting the Biblical concept of the unity of the human person by ministering to spiritual, physical, mental, and social needs through programs and services

This commitment will also reflect itself in a disciplined lifestyle.  This lifestyle will include personal and corporate worship and study, stewardship of time and material resources, healthful living, and mutual accountability.

We believe that each member is a brother or sister in Christ entrusted with spiritual gifts to use for the benefit of the advancement of the kingdom of God.  The church will provide opportunities for training for the utilization of these gifts.

The application of these principles will result in fellowship, unity, personal spiritual growth, and numerical growth.
