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RCCMA - Roach Creek Coal Miners Assoc.

ROACH CREEK COAL MINERS - 22nd REUNION - Sunday, May 30, 2010.

Location is the Fairview School Cafeteria located on Hwy. 63 between Huntsville and I-75.  Doors open at 10:00 a.m. and dinner at 12:00 p.m. 

Attending this event will be worth your time, especially if you care about preserving the future of the association and what it stands for.  I encourage everyone having ties to Dean, Roach Creek, and the Straight Fork Coal Company era to please attend. 


Food will be provided and we ask for only a small donation. We ask that some of you please bring a Dessert if you can.


WE WILL NOT FORGET.  This has been our motto from the beginning and we will continue to remember our Coal Miners with this annual reunion as long as we have people interested.

I make sure this date, the last Sunday in May, is set aside on my calendar each year to attend this special occasion, and so should you.  We owe our coal miners this honor of never forgetting the many sacrifices they made to provide their families a better life.

This will be Memorial Day weekend, so we also honor our Military Veterans.  If you, the community, have any concern about the future of the Coal Miners Association and what it stands for, please, plan to be with us.  If it is not possible for you to attend because of other commitments, you can still support the association by sending a much needed donation for the continued upkeep of the memorial grounds, we badly need your support.  Please contact me at (423) 663-2333, or another member of the RCCMA staff with your donations.   Sincerely: E. Ray Austin, President.  Alene Queener, Vice President.