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Pioneer Medical Center

301 West 7th Avenue ,PO Box 1228

Pioneer Medical Center (PMC) is a critical access hospital with 25 acute care/swing beds and a 25 bed nursing home. The PMC also includes a rural health clinic, hospice, ambulance service, public health and assisted living facility.  Pioneer Medical Center is owned by the County of Sweet Grass and its primary service area is Sweet Grass County.  The Sweet Grass County Commissioners, PMC Board of Directors, PMC Staff and county residents are all committed to fulfilling the organization's mission and vision.

Our Mission:
 Sustainable excellence in patient and resident focused care.

Our Vision:
 Grow to become the trusted healthcare provider and employer of choice in Sweet Grass County.

Our Values:

History of Pioneer Medical Center
Access to health care services has long been a priority of the residents of Sweet Grass County.  The original hospital and nursing home were built in 1950 and 1965 as separate entities and individual and group donations were the key to building and operating these facilities. In 1992, the hospital closed due to financial reasons, but reopened in 1995 in the same location as the nursing home.  In order to reopen the hospital, a major expansion to the nursing home's physical plant was required. The expansion was financed through a general obligation bond, nursing home reserves, donations from the Sweet Grass Health Care Foundation and a Community Development Block Grant.  In 1998 and 2001, expansions also added a rural health clinic and assisted living facility.  These expansions were largely funded by medical center reserves, local donations, revenue bonds and a USDA rural development loan.
Since 1995, Pioneer Medical Center has continued to add staff and services to grow to meet the health care needs of Sweet Grass County residents.  Currently, the Pioneer Medical Center is the second largest employer in Sweet Grass County with nearly 150 employees. The total economic impact attributable to PMC operations is estimated at over $8.5 million dollars.
