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Patterson Hemlocks State Natural Area

Patterson Hemlocks protects a large block of old-growth northern mesic forest on an isthmus between Clear and Fuller Lakes with large hemlock, yellow birch, and white pine throughout. The tract contains examples of all stages of development in a hemlock-hardwood forest from areas of dense hemlock saplings to a mature stand of hemlock with scattered clumps of supercanopy white pine. The hemlock and yellow birch are in the 15-30 inch size class while some white pines are greater than three feet in diameter (dbh) and 120 feet high. The eastern portion of the site is relatively level but becomes more rolling toward the west. Many dead standing trees, a very thick duff layer, and rotting logs on the ground accentuate the stand's old-growth appearance. Understory shrubs include mountain maple and beaked hazelnut. Intermediate wood fern and shining club moss dominate the herbaceous layer, and large patches of mountain wood-sorrel are scattered throughout. Other plants include sharp-lobed hepatica, three-leaved gold-thread, bunchberry, and large-leaved aster. Several soft-water ephemeral pools contain blue-joint grass, common bladderwort, water smartweed, coon's-tail, rattlesnake grass, and wool-grass. Nesting birds include black-throated green and blackburnian warblers, veery, and pileated woodpecker. Patterson Hemlocks is owned by the DNR and was designated a State Natural Area in 1987.
