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Millgrove Bible Church

11517 Genesee Street


We believe that the Holy Bible is the repository of God’s special revelation and truth for mankind.

From our Church Constitution:

WHEREAS: The Scriptures distinctly teach that in the last days the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall heap to themselves teachers having itching ears; and shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. II Tim. 4:3,4

RESOLVED, that we by the grace of God, maintain a work of evangelism as well as the teaching of the inspired Word of God, for the perfecting of the saints, and for the edifying of the body of Christ:

RESOLVED, that we declare our adherence to the following doctrinal truth upon which this church is founded and we believe should be perpetuated: Articles of Faith


We are Christ-Centered and Gospel-Driven Church

We are Missional

We Support Missions

We Encourage the Family

We Seek to Live Righteously Before the World and in our Church

We Believe That God Answers Prayer

We Use Our Spiritual Gifts

We Desire to be Humble before God and People

We Promote Sound Doctrinal Teaching with an Emphasis on Application

We Seek to be Good Stewards of God’s Resources
