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Mason Dixon Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation


The Mason-Dixon Chapter came into being as a result of The York Outdoor Show calling contest. William Shaffer started the ball rolling to have the chapter formed. Bill is a great conservationist, and although he was very involved in the Izaak Walton League, he saw a need for getting involved with other conservation organizations.

Bill approached (Ron Sandrus) the Director of Chapter Development of the Pa Chapter of the NWTF. Between Bill and Ron, a meeting was set up in 1981 to organize a new chapter of the NWTF.

Bill Shaffer was responsible for placing an ad in the newspaper and over 80 people showed up for the first meeting at the Izaak Walton League Clubhouse. Officers were elected and the chapter began functioning as the fourteenth local chapter of the PA Chapter.

The first officers were Dave Markel, President; Bill Shaffer, Vice-president; Earl Criswell, Secretary; and Skip Sanderson, Treasurer. The Mason-Dixon Chapter name was adopted from names that included the White Rose Chapter and State Line Chapter.

Some of the early highlights included a raffle to support a newsletter. One of our first entertainment events featured 16mm movies of turkeys produced by Dick Smith of Perry County. Financially, we supported the NWTF in their efforts to buy their first computer. The York Outdoor Show became our major fundraiser. We sold Quaker Boy Turkey Calls, raffle tickets and our infamous lucky beans to raise money.

Our official Logo was created in 1983 by Barry Wagner of Glen Rock.

In 1986, we held our first annual Superfund Banquet. We did not earn much money the first year. However, the banquet grew and became a source of new members and workers to promote the Chapter.

The Chapter continues to hold an annual charter Banquet each spring. The first banquet was held under the leadership of Dave Markel at the Fireside Inn in 1982.

Some of our accomplishments included winning the Runner-up Position in the Ron Sandrus Outstanding Local Chapter Competition several times. There have also been several awards for the Best Nonprofit exhibit at the York Outdoor Show. The Mason-Dixon Chapter has maintained a presence on the State Board of Directors with three members serving of the Board for many years including Bill Laird, Dennis Strawbridge and Skip Sanderson.