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Maine Arts Commission

193 State Street

The Maine Arts Commission shall encourage and stimulate public interest and participation in the cultural heritage and cultural programs of our state; shall expand the state's cultural resources; and shall encourage and assist freedom of artistic expression for the well being of the arts, to meet the needs and aspirations of persons in all parts of the state.
To carry out this mission, which is drawn from the Commission's enabling legislation, the Commission will support programs and partnerships that:
Engender a cooperative environment within the arts field that results in more efficient delivery of programs and services;
Further the goals of the State as articulated by its elected leadership, advancing the arts through activities in such areas as technology, education, and the economy;
Have the potential to change lives by giving people of all ages the opportunity to come into meaningful contact with artists and art-making; and
build a broad support base for the arts by increasing local capacity for arts-making and arts presenting, and by increasing local advocacy.

The Commission recognizes that support for artists is more critical now than ever before, and supports the arts primarily through artists working at the local level in a community context. A precipitous decline in State and Federal funds available for granting has created a need for increased support at the local level, and to create new grant making structures to meet those needs. Although individual artists and arts institutions are now less likely to receive substantial project funds directly from the Commission, the Commission believes that support at the local level will increase through its capacity-building initiatives.
