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Kiowa Valley Organics Inc.

4680 WestCountyRoad 87

CSA members would receive produce each week. The amount of produce will vary depending on the week. We grow all of the products of our CSA on our farm. A full share will feed a family of 4-5 people. During the height of the season in a full share there should be enough of certain items to preserve for the winter. During melon season full share members may receive several different melons in one week. Half and single shares will be scaled down to feed families of 2-3 people and 1-2 people respectively.

We would also like to give our members some choices in the produce they are receiving. At least once in the season members will get the choice to have their chilies roasted or not and the variety of winter squash they will receive.

Although Kiowa Valley Organics grows a variety of excellent greens, our focus is on producing a broad variety of nutrient dense vegetables and fruits. We will also provide meal ideas, recipes, and mode of preservation on our website.

Kiowa Valley Organics Raises Certified Organic Grass-fed Beef and Certified Organic Produce including, Asparagus, Summer squash, Winter squash, Tomatoes, Sugar Snap peas, Beans , Peppers, Melons and much more. We use crop rotation and manure to improve the health of our soil. Honey Bees and beneficial insects help with pollination and pest control. Our cattle graze on native and improved pasture most of the year. When we do have to feed them ( Too much snow to find the grass or drought ) we feed our own hay raised right here on the farm. Our cows calve out on pasture a much more natural environment which leads to healthier happier cattle. We believe in grass-fed from birth to finish as it is better for our animals, our customers and the land. Here at Kiowa Valley Organics we believe that we should leave the land better than when we received it.

CSA Details:
- Season: May through November
- Type: Single farm
- Since: 2009
- Full Share:    Organic Produce CSA -Full share $750 -Half share $550 -Single share $300 Organic Grass-fed Beef CSA -$500/week
- Work Req?No

Pick Up/Drop Off Points:

- Kiowa Valley Organics Inc.
Contact:    David Rippe
Phone:    3038571495
Address:    4680 WestCountyRoad 87,Roggen, CO 80652