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Joy Lutheran Church

1435 Saint Croix Street


At Joy we gather to be renewed in the joy and love of God through inspiring worship and caring community. We seek to understand and live by God’s Word. We serve those in need of God’s healing through Christ, reaching out to our community and world.


To be a growing, generous, and hopeful Christian community, working together to connect in a spiritually relevant way with God and our neighbor.

About Us:

We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). JOY is an active and inviting congregation that welcomes people of all faiths.

How appropriately this Church was named when the people first came together to form it in 1973.  One of the hallmarks of a deep personal relationship with Jesus is just that; JOY.  It doesn’t mean that life’s problems and difficulties automatically disappear, but it does mean that in the midst of even the darkest times of life, we can have JOY knowing we are never alone or forgotten.  JOY comes in knowing that we walk hand in hand with the one who gives life.

That’s what we’re about here at JOY.  Celebrating life as given by the Creator in its multitude of forms.  This little packet describes for you the variety of events we sponsor here at JOY.  Since we are an ever-changing community, just as life is ever changing, this certainly is not an exhaustive list.  It is merely meant to highlight for you the many ways we want to help you celebrate being alive and to help you find healing for your hurts.

Jesus says in Matthew 11:28 “come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”  And as Jesus says in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full”.  We hope in some small way you experienced that here at JOY in our worship and if you would like to find that on a more consistent basis, we invite you to come and join us on the journey here at JOY.
