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Gilbert New Hope Community Church

1380 East Guadalupe Road

What We Believe

The Sovereignity of God
One of the most fundamental things that can be said about our Reformed tradition is that it is God-centered. Our salvation, our faith, our life of service and our hope for eternal life all rest on God's grace as we receive it through faith. God in his gracious love has a plan for us and it is our task to apply that perfect plan in our lives.

Oou Problem: Sin & Separation

God created us in His own image to have an abundant life. He did not make us as robots to automatically love and obey Him, but gave us a will and freedom of choice.

Salvation by Grace through Faith

Our salvation is centered in Jesus Christ's act of redemption on the cross and his resurrection from the dead. It comes to us only by God's love and grace; nothing we have done could cause Christ to die for us.

The Open Bible
The Bible is the only infallible rule for our salvation, our faith and living the Christian life.The creeds and doctrines and all the teaching of the church are to be judged according to the bible. The Bible is the yardstick by which we live.

Jesus Christ the only Head of the Church

We are sinners and all institutions ruled by us are subject to sin and error. Therefore, we cannot accept the idea of an infallible church leader, whether that person be Minister, Elder, Bishop, or Pope. The Church and the sacraments, the Lord's Supper and Baptism belong to Jesus Christ. The human organization of the Church succeeds or fails on the basis of its faithfulness to Christ as the Lord of Life.

The Priesthood of all Believers

The Protestant Reformers in the 1500's rejected, on Biblical grounds, the notion that only the clergy (Priest, Nuns, Monks) were the truly religious people. The idea of Priests standing between the people and God was declared false by all of the Reformers. Therefore, Protestants were taught to pray directly to God in Jesus' name, for they realized that no human being can stand between a person and God. On this basis, they also refused to pray to God through any saint, living or dead. For Protestants, the church is a "redemptive fellowship" in which all people share a concern for one another under the authority of Scripture.

Our Core Values are

A.Our relationship with God

-Glorifying God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
-A personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
-Prayers of adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication.
-Forgiveness and Salvation as a gift from God.
-Good works as acts of gratitude.
-Studying God’s word in living the truth revealed in scripture and the Bible made relevant to daily living.

B.Our relationship with others

-Serving and praying for one another.
-Showing Christ’s love by reaching out to meet the needs of others.
-An environment that leads to trust, acceptance, forgiveness, lasting friendships, diversity and joy.
-Stewardship of time, talents, resources, and spiritual gifts.