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Galloway Apostolic Church

1992 Galloway Road

The History of Galloway Apostolic Church

Our Beginings

Who would have known in 1872 that an Apostolic preacher would be called to the historical country church built in the heart of this thriving farmland located just west of Columbus? This picturesque landmark featuring an old fashioned, operational bell tower was only the second structure built in the area at that time. Who would have known that very same preacher would receive a call from God to pastor a church at the age of 16, in a location not revealed, while studying the Book of Acts in preparation of a Bible quizzing tournament? There has never been a doubt that God had all the details perfectly calculated and would place that Apostolic preacher behind the pulpit at the turn of the century.
Although it was years in the making, the actual collimation of events happened very quickly. God spoke to Glenn Palmer very plainly with a simple plan to start a new work in Galloway in January of 1999. First, he was to ask his brother-in-law and sister, Steve and Ronda Dinkins, if they would open their home located in the Laurel Green subdivision of Galloway for services. With the Dinkins' immediate support of God's vision, the next step would be to bring the vision before the Ohio District Board of the United Pentecostal Church International. It was on June 24, 1999, the Board unanimously approved the initiation of the ministry in Galloway and confirmed that several men of God had been praying that a work would be started in this fast growing community.

Snowdrop Avenue

The Galloway Apostolic Church held its first service at 5876 Snowdrop Avenue on Sunday, July 4, 1999. It would fondly become known as Galloway's independence day! From the initial eleven members, the church grew to the full capacity of 24 members in December of that same year. The church family quickly began to fast and pray for a new location that would be pleasing to God. After three weeks, God directed Pastor Palmer to the local library where he would meet a woman that could direct him to the building located at 1992 Galloway Road.

Galloway Road

Several churches had attempted to lease the building since it’s closing but God was reserving it for a powerful Apostolic work to reach the lost humanity of Galloway. It was easy and exciting to see the hand of God leading the way for services to be quickly moved to the current location in January of 2000. God’s blessings continue to be poured out as the church has grown to over a hundred members and nearly ninety souls have been baptized in the precious name of Jesus and filled with the Holy Ghost!
This once over sized building with a seating capacity of 140 people, will soon become another chapter in the community’s history. After earnestly seeking God’s direction for a plot of soil in Galloway, ten acres has been purchased on Norton Road and will be the future home of the Galloway Apostolic Church.
