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First Baptist Church Philadelphia

414 Pecan Avenue

Mission Statement :

We, the members of First Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Mississippi, as the unified body of Jesus Christ, join together to magnify God the Father, guided by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the purpose He has commissioned through His Holy Word by:

WORSHIPING GOD'S PRESENCE by reverently acknowleding Christ as Lord and Savior through prayer, praise, and worship in one accord and as individuals in the liberty of the spirit.

PROCLAIMING GOD'S MESSAGE by witnessing to others the salvation freely offered by Jesus Christ and living a lifestyle which glorifies His name. 

DISCIPLING GOD'S PEOPLE by using the Bible as a foundation to equip all for growth and service for today as well as the generations that follow.

MINISTERING TO GOD'S CREATION by letting there be no boundaries as we demonstrate God's love for all people through Christian loving and sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.

FELLOWSHIPPING OF GOD'S PEOPLE by spending time together through the sharing of our lives bound in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.