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Faithful Central Bible Church

333 West Florence Avenue

Our Mission

Who We Are

Faithful Central Bible Church is a Bible-based, Christ-centered, Spirit-led extension of Christ's body, committed to ministering with integrity and compassion.

Why We Exist

Faithful Central Bible Church is called to reach the greater Los Angeles area as we impact the world for the Kingdom of God.

What We Do

Faithful Central Bible Church is committed to building champions for divine deployment. 

Our Vision

Ministry Identity

Faithful Central Bible Church is...

-A Family of Champions - We are a close-knit group of people committed to overcoming challenges and striving for the best in life.
-Bible-Based - We are uncompromised in our belief that the Bible is God's Word and that His Word is the standard by which we are to measure our every word, thought, and action.
-Committed to Excellence - We commit ourselves to maintaining a high-quality standard in everything we do, recognizing that excellence requires a continued and focused effort.
-Comprehensive in Scope - We devote ourselves to ministering to people of all ages and all stages of life to the extent of our God-given abilities.
-Caring and Accepting - We dedicate ourselves to embracing people of various backgrounds, races, cultures and circumstances by ministering with a heart of compassion in all we do.
-Life-Changing - We believe that accepting Christ as one's Lord and Savior results in a life-changing experience, that the Word of God can bring about a life-changing impact on a personal and societal level, and that God's church is impacting the world by changing people's lives.

Faithful Central Bible Church provides ...

-A Dynamic Worship Experience - We enter into God's presence with open hearts and experience powerful times of worship that are meaningful, life-changing, and personal, all the while allowing the Lord to move as He would during our worship time.
-Insightful Biblical Training - We give people the chance to go deeper into God's Word and become more servant-minded by offering discipleship training and ministerial preparation.
-Multi-faceted Comprehensive Ministry - We exist to meet the needs of all people and thus strive to minister by providing practical resources to empower, enrich, and strengthen people's lives socially, psychologically, financially, and spiritually.
-Opportunities for Growth - We offer people a place to grow in the Lord through preaching, teaching, and discipleship; and to develop stronger bonds with brothers and sisters in the fellowship of believers.
-Opportunities for Service - We extend opportunities for people to become conduits of God's love, mercy, and grace by using their time and talents in service to others.

Faithful Central Bible Church is building champions for divine deployment who are ...

-Overcomers - Champions move from one challenge to the next, knowing that, in Christ, all adversity can be overcome. -Conquerors - Champions recognize that we face a spiritual enemy who has no authority over our lives and thus can be victoriously resisted and is already defeated because of our place in Christ.
-Achievers - Champions move forward with their divine destinies, knowing that God has called us to successfully complete His purpose for our lives.
-Followers - Champions follow after the Lord and model their lives after the resurrected Christ.
-Leaders - Champions lead as they follow the Lord and model their lives after the resurrected Christ.
-Warriors - Champions realize that God's Word is their guide and gives them the tools necessary to become well-armed warriors for Christ (Eph. 6:10-18) who are more than conquerors in Him (Rom. 8:37) and who have been assured of God's ultimate victory (Rev. 21:6-7).
-Ambassadors - Champions actively penetrate society with the message of Christ through their words and actions.
-Servants - Champions touch the lives of a lost and dying world by ministering with a servant's heart to the needs of people.
-Body Builders - Champions build the Body of Christ by inspiring their brothers and sisters in the Lord and by strengthening and encouraging them to exercise their faith.