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Christian Campus House

1411 West Riverside Avenue

Mission Statement :

Promote spiritual growth and commitment to Jesus Christ in Ball State University students.

Proclaim Jesus Christ and His teachings as recorded in the Bible to the Ball State campus through evangelism, worship services, Bible studies, service projects and fellowship.

Persuade Ball State University students to affiliate with the Church.

Introduce Ball State University students to the plea for the renewal of the Christian faith and the unity of the Church as expressed by Christian Churches and Churches of Christ of the Campbell-Stone tradition.

Acknowledge the Bible as the Word of God, authoritative for Christian faith and practice.

What  We Belive :

The following statements express the basics of what we believe and shape the direction of how we conduct our ministry. We view these statements as a summary and a teaching tool rather than a creedal statement intended to exclude people from the Christian Faith. It is our view that the Bible is inspired by God to be the written record of the Christian Faith; it is sufficient for Christian doctrine, faith, and practice.

God created the world by the power of His word and sustains it by His Spirit according to His will.
Genesis 1 & 2

Humanity was created by God in His image as stewards of the earth; to rule and nurture the earth under the will of God.
Genesis 1 & 2

Sin entered the world by human action. All people sin, resulting in alienation from God and human society. Sin is the fundamental problem of human life.
Genesis 3; Romans 3

Jesus, the Christ, is the Son of God, sent by God as Savior to the world.
John 1; Matthew 20:25-28; 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

Jesus is the Word of God in the flesh. He lived, was crucified, arose from the grave on the third day and ascended into heaven in order to redeem humanity from sin to Himself.
John 1; 1 Corinthians 15

The Holy Spirit is at work in the world convicting it concerning sin, righteousness and judgement.
John 14 & 16

God offers salvation through Jesus as a gift to humanity. We receive salvation by hearing God's good news in Christ, believing God, repenting of sin, confessing Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God and receiving baptism into Christ.
Ephesians 2:1-10; Acts 2:37-42; Romans 6:1-11

The Church is the body of Christ to whom God has entrusted the continuing mission of Christ. The Holy Spirit empowers and enriches the Church so that she can serve her mission.
Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 12

The mission of Christ is the reclamation of all which God has created. All things, persons and powers will submit to His will.
Ephesians 1:3-14; Philippians 2:3-11

The Bible is God's Word, authoritative and foundational for the Church. Christian faith and practice are determined by biblical themes and ideas. History, tradition and experience are secondary influences on Christianity; the Bible is primary.
Ephesians 2:19-22; Hebrews 4:12-13; Isaiah 55:6-13

Worship is a grateful, expression of love to God in response to His love, focusing our hearts and minds on God. Because God loves people, worship is also an expression of love to others.
Ephesians 1:3-14; Hebrews 10:19-25

Worship is an act of fellowship which unites believers and draws those who do not yet believe toward God. Communion is the central act of Christian worship uniting Christians as the Church in the presence of Christ and declaring the gospel to the world.
1 Corinthians 10:14-17; 1 Corinthians 11:23-34