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Auburn Grace Community Church

3126 Olympic Way

Beliefs JESUS CHRIST was, is and always will be God. He is our King, Lord, Savior and the Head of our church. All things done should be done in a manner that glorifies Him, exhibits His character, and gives attention to His wonderful name.

THE BIBLE is our guide book. It is the true, living and active Word of God. It has the answers to today’s problems and is the basis for all doctrine, creeds, and practices of our church. We believe it is perfect, inerrant and wholly inspired by God in its original manuscripts.

THE HOLY SPIRIT is God, the empowering agent in human lives. He indwells us at the moment of salvation and marks us as God’s own until we see Christ face to face. He gives us strength to overcome sinful habits, instills in us the love and character of God, opens the door for us to have a personal relationship directly with God, and gives us spiritual gifts.

EVERY CHRISTIAN IS A MINISTER of Jesus Christ. Each of us, as believers, has the privilege, responsibility and gifting to minister to and serve each other. The Holy Spirit has given us gifts to use in building up of our brothers and sister. Being a working, serving, ministering Christian is a fundamental truth upon which our church stands.

OUR WORLD NEEDS THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST. God has left us here to reach out to our neighbors, friends, family, community, and world with the Good News of hope and salvation. We need to be a part of our community and not simply ask our community to be a part of us. God has prepared many people to respond to the Good News, not only in Auburn, but everywhere around the world. Our church supports many missionary efforts of reaching out to a needy world.

History In 1976-1977, two families, the Mannings and the Sparlings, moved from our sister church in Sacramento, Rivercity Grace Community Church, to the Auburn area. They fellowshipped together in local churches, but felt God was calling them to do more. God laid it upon the heart of several people to begin praying about starting a home Bible Study in
Auburn, then to wait and see what God would do. The Bible study grew and eventually became our church. We first held public services on Sunday in a local funeral parlor and the Sacramento Pastor would drive up on Sunday afternoon to hold service.

In 1979, our first Pastor, Duane Jones, arrived from Grace Seminary in Winona Lake IN. Duane got the church off the ground and stayed for several years before joining the military as a Chaplain. Under his leadership, the church moved into the Army Chapel in DeWitt Center and used it as our building. Paul Hoffman, from our sister church in Long Beach succeeded Duane in 1984. Under Paul’s leadership, our church grew and built the building we currently own off of Bell Road. That project was completed in 1993. Paul soon returned to his first love, planting new churches, and moved on to do so. Pastor Phil Sparling succeeded Paul in 1994 as the Senior Pastor.

Affiliation AGCC is a part of the International Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches. We have over 300 churches in America with over 30,000 in membership. We also have hundreds of churches internationally with over 100,000 members outside the U.S. The FGBC was started in the early thirties and has always carried the motto: "The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible”.

We have seven sister churches in Northern California and another two-dozen in Southern California. Grace Brethren Churches in the U.S. are primarily located in Pennsylvania and Ohio. We have a very reputable College and Seminary in our Fellowship located near our headquarters in Winona Lake, Indiana.

We have belonged to this Fellowship since our inception as a church. Our sister churches in Sacramento and Modesto played a major role in planting AGCC. Our Fellowship is going strong and is setting record numbers in the areas of church planting and missionaries sent over seas.

FGBC has always put a major emphasis on missionary work locally and around the world. Within the organization of the FGBC there are several national offices to help equip each church with resources and expertise. We have an annual national conference each year at a variety of locations.
Each local assembly is completely autonomous from the National Headquarters. We are free to choose our pastors, design our programs, and develop what style we see best. All GBC are tied together by choice and by adhering to a common statement of beliefs.
