
Weston Town Hall Happenings for September 23, 2022

Government and Politics

September 23, 2022

From: Town of Weston

Greetings and Welcome to September 23rd’s Town Hall Happenings:

Opening Note:
This week we welcomed Fall and today we feel the cool breeze of the season. I would like to wish all those who celebrate Rosh Hashanah a very happy and sweet new year.

On a somber note, I would like to share with you the tragic passing of Mark Blake, a Life Member of the Weston Volunteer Firefighter and Emergency Medical Service, who served many leadership positions throughout his tenure. In addition to his decades of valued volunteer work in Weston, Mark worked for Westport EMS for more than 32 years. We are forever grateful for his service and kind heart. My prayers are with his family and friends during this difficult time.

Questions for Constituent Corner may be emailed to [email protected] and I will either answer you myself or forward you on to the right people!

Town awarded a $500,000 State Grant for Police Department
Weston applied for and received a $500,000 Small Town Economic Assistance Program Grant for building renovations at the Weston Police Department.  This would be matched by $264,926 from the town. I am so grateful to receive this necessary funding for this important town project. The renovation of our decade’s old and antiquated and single-sex designed police department locker rooms and bathrooms will hopefully go a long way to boosting police officer morale and adding women to our police department.

We Are Hiring!
The Town of Weston is hiring for the following positions:
- Administrative Floater (part-time)
- Dispatcher (part-time)
- Family and Youth Social Worker (part-time)
- Public Works Highway Maintainer (full-time)

To apply, visit: https://www.westonct.gov/about-us/town-hall/municipal-job-openings

Emergency Alerts
Please make sure that you and your family are registered to receive emergency alerts from the Weston Office of Emergency Management. Registration can be done online by visiting https://member.everbridge.net/431700047822927/login. The Weston public safety team will continue to expertly guide us through storms by sending out texts, emails and automated phone calls via our Everbridge system. With all the new residents in town, please make sure to mention Everbridge to your new friends, acquaintances and neighbors. Please also see this link, which provides details on how to prepare for weather events: https://www.westonct.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/5929/637650804379770000

Community Conversations on DEI
The Town of Weston aspires to be a community that welcomes people of all identities. Achieving this requires we understand where we are currently and where we have opportunities to improve. Therefore, we are partnering with KJR Consulting to host two virtual Community Conversations on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). During these discussions, community members will explore DEI in the Town of Weston. They will discuss experiences that have demonstrated opportunities to learn and grow in this area individually and as a community. KJR will also guide participants through an exploration of bias and its impact on community interactions and share actions we can each take to manage and disrupt moments of bias when it occurs. Space is limited, register here: https://reg.learningstream.com/view/cal10a.aspx?ek=&ref=&aa=&sid1=&sid2=&as=49&wp=247&tz=&ms=&nav=&cc=&cat1=&cat2=&cat3=&aid=KJR&rf=&pn=

Hazardous Waste Collection Event
On September 10th from 9 am to 1 pm in Weston at Hurlbutt School Weston held its first Hazardous Waste day since 2020. It was a huge success with a constant stream of participants. More than 550 cars came, filling two large trucks of waste.

In case you missed the event, Weston residents still have multiple opportunities in 2022 to get rid of household hazardous waste. Below is a schedule of regional collection events that Westonites can participate in:

- October 8th from 9 am to 3 pm in New Milford at John Pettibone School
- November 12th from 9 am to 2 pm in Brookfield at Brookfield High School

No need to bring money. Each town gets billed for the waste that their own residents drop off.  For details about what to bring and location addresses, please visit the website of the Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority here: https://hrra.org/household-hazardous-waste/

2022 Road Repaving
Weston has completed its 2022 road repaving work! Work was performed on the following roads: Farrell Road, Tannery Lane South, Trails End, Merry Lane, Davis Hill Road and Lords Highway.  Over the next few months, the Town will work with an engineering firm to produce a list of roads to be repaved in 2023.

Pedestrian Safety Projects
The Town accepted a state-funded project for pedestrian improvements on Weston Road.  Two Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons have been installed that alert vehicles when pedestrians are crossing Weston Road.  This project was paid for entirely by the state.  The Community Connectivity Sidewalk Project continues to move forward after the State of Connecticut approved adjusted plans. We recorded a critical easement, tree work has commenced, and we are coordinating with utility companies for the relocation of poles and other communication infrastructure that need to be moved. Once the utility companies provide a timeline for completion, we will be able to estimate a completion date. The State has allocated approximately $400,000 in grant funding for this construction project.  We are in the preliminary design phase of the Transportation Alternatives Sidewalk Improvement Project, which calls for sidewalks to be designed and constructed from the Norfield Congregational Church to Old Hyde Road, and from Old Hyde Road to the intersection near Lords Highway.  The project would also include 1,200 linear feet of a 12' wide multi-use trail which would provide additional pedestrian, bicycle and emergency access on a strip of Town land that exists between Old Hyde Road and the high school. An additional pedestrian recreational amenity would be the creation of 850 linear feet of 5' wide bituminous concrete sidewalk connecting School Road and the rear of the Norfield Church property providing access to a higher elevation and overlook area with scenic views of the Town Center. The Connecticut DOT has approved Weston’s selection of an engineering firm that has begun performing preliminary design on this project. Surveying of Old Hyde Road and the land next to the Road began on Monday, August 15 and will continue for several weeks.   Last year, we received a commitment to fund letter from the State of Connecticut for a Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program (LOTCIP) grant for Intersection and Pedestrian Safety Improvements. This project includes a dedicated turning lane from Weston Road to School Road, more sidewalks on Norfield Road, and sidewalks connecting School Road next to Revson Field to Lords Highway and to Old Hyde Road. We are now working on the project design.

Wi-Fi Hotspot
Altice is in the process of creating a Wi-Fi hotspot around the Town campus.  It is anticipated that the hotspot will be active before November 1st.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations are on the way to the Town Hall parking lot.  Stay tuned for more information.

Cavalry Road Bridge Project Update
The new bridge is open to traffic!  We understand that Westport and Weston residents have concerns about the bridge. Staff from both Weston and Westport have collated the concerns that were communicated to us in person, via email, by phone and via a Zoom meeting. At the advice of the Weston Police Chief and the Westport Police Chief, the Weston Public Works staff has performed stop sign related work near the bridge.  Specifically, they have reset stop signs, repainted white stop bars on the ground and cut back vegetation near a particular stop sign. Recently, Weston Public Works staff cleaned up the area where the construction trailer was for several months, cut back more roadside vegetation on the south side of the bridge, and made pavement improvements that lead to a “leak off.”  A speed monitoring sign has also been placed near the bridge by Westport Police.  The project architect has designed the removal of some guiderail, which will be removed as soon as a contractor can perform the work. In addition, Town staff has received some information from another town about painting guiderails. Stay tuned for more information.

Bayberry Lane Bridge Replacement Project
The Town of Westport has begun replacing the Bayberry Lane Bridge over the Aspetuck River. The roadway will remain closed through November 30, 2022.  Local traffic has been directed through the designated detour route - Easton Road to Coleytown Road to North Avenue to Lyons Plain Road to White Birch Road, or the reverse, as necessary. Residents adjacent to the bridge have been notified of the road closure and detour. Motorists are advised to drive with additional caution, allow extra travel time, and obey all detour and safety signals.  Please direct questions about the project to Westport Town Engineer Keith Wilberg at 203-341-1128.

Drought Conditions in Connecticut
Despite the recent rainfall, Connecticut is still experiencing drought conditions.   As almost all of Weston is dependent on wells, and we all share a common aquifer, we are asking for you to practice water conservation by doing the following:
-Reducing lawn watering, gardens, and other landscaped areas. If watering is essential, late evening hours are best;
-Avoiding burning in or near woodlands or brush-lands;
-Taking shorter showers;
-Running dishwashers and clothes washing machines with full loads;
-Shutting off water while washing dishes, shaving, brushing teeth, and lathering up to wash hands, rather than running the water continuously;
-Avoiding washing vehicles or power-washing homes and other buildings;
-Refraining from using water to clean sidewalks, driveways, and roads;
-Postponing the planting of new lawns or vegetation; and
-Minimizing overall water use by fixing leaky plumbing and fixtures
Voluntary participation now can help prevent more serious drought conditions.

Board of Selectmen Meetings
Please feel free to Zoom into the virtual BOS meetings, which are always posted on the Town website. Documents, recordings, and minutes are available at: https://www.westonct.gov/government/boards-commissions/elected/board-of-selectmen

Covid 19
Covid-19 updates and information are posted regularly on the town website. Please see here https://www.westonct.gov/government/municipal-departments/emergency-management/covid-19  for more information.

Volunteers Needed for Town Boards
The following appointed boards have positions available: Assessment Appeals, Beautification, Conservation Commission, Diversity Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee, Historic District Commission, Marketing & Communications Advisory Committee, and the Veterans Affairs Committee. There are elected position vacancies as well on the Board of Education and Board of Finance.

The Weston League of Women Voters & Weston Registrars of Voters at Lachat
The Weston League of Women Voters will be present at Lachat Farmer’s Market on Friday, September 30 to hand out material regarding the upcoming Nov. 8 election. Schedules for area debates, and the debate for the 135th hosted by our League are included in the literature. In addition, there will be a handout explaining the constitutional question regarding Early Voting that will be on the ballot. To further insure community members are registered to vote, the Weston Registrars of Voters have been invited to share our tent to help facilitate voter registration.

Social Services
Weston Social Services is now accepting applications for the CT Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) This program provides assistance to income-eligible households with home heating costs over the winter months.   Income eligibility is as follows:
Household of 1: $ 39,761 or less
Household of 2: $ 51,996 or less
Household of 3: $ 64,230 or less
Household of 4: $ 76,465 or less
Household of 5: $ 88,699 or less
Household of 6: $ 103,227 or less
Schedule an appointment or pose questions by calling Weston Social Services at 203-222-2556. 

Parks & Recreation

Starting on 9/29 public swim permits will be available for purchase. The flyer can be found here: https://www.westonct.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/8878/637995225518803522
Group and private swim lessons will be coming in October, keep an eye out for the flyer! 

Founder’s Day 2022
Join the Beautification Committee on October 11th at 4pm for the groundbreaking of the NEW Weston Town Green. Toast the team, learn about the renovations, grab a snack from the food trucks, and enjoy music from the WHS Westones.

Norfield Grange Event – Paint, Sip & Pizza
Event to be held at the Norfield Grange 12 Good Hill Road, Weston. Cost is $35/Person.  Buy 5 Nights & Get The 6th FREE. The dates are 10/3, 11/15, 12/6, 1/17, 2/7, & 3/7.  The event features guided Instruction by Weston Artist Agata Tria. Pre-Payment Required. No Walk-Ins. Venmo: @LynKimberly or Check to: Norfield Grange. Limited capacity. Come have fun and take home a treasure!!! Grange Events Benefit The WHS Scholarship Fund.

Weston Senior Center 

September/October Newsletter
If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please email Wendy:  [email protected].

Dial-a-Ride Update
We are currently on a modified schedule for Dial-a-Ride services. Transportation services are available between 8:30am-2pm. Please continue to call (203) 222-2576 to make an appointment. If you have any questions about Dial-a-Ride, call (203) 222-2608.

Pickleball Lessons (Beginner and Intermediate Level)
Fridays in September at the Senior Center
Call the Senior Center for details on dates and times.  $5.00 per lesson (203) 222-2608

Color Concepts and Strategies with Maj Kalfus
Thursdays, October 6, 13, 20, 27, 10am-12pm (In-House)
$16 for series of 4 classes
The 4 week session will focus on identifying the color strategies of famous artists, such as Van Gogh, Gauguin, Matisse, Klee and Mondrian. We will work with the color wheel and create unique compositions in several mediums representing their varying approaches. We will use pastels, collage and acrylic paint on paper over the four weeks. No experience necessary.

Painting Realism with Cindy Wagner
Tuesdays, October 11, 18, 25 and November 1, 8 and 15, 10a,-12pm (In-House)
$24 for a series of 6 classes
This course will help students compose a well-designed painting. Will teach accurate drawing with paint. Will help students see and interpret value and color relationships. Will give students an organized method to mix the correct color and value resulting in three dimensional forms and paintings with atmosphere. All levels of painting skills are welcome. 

Weston Public Library
Device Advice
Monday, September 26 @ 2 - 4:00 PM.

Want to learn how to download ebooks or audiobooks, or have other questions about how to use your phone, tablet, or laptop? Drop by the library for a one-on-one session with one of our librarians. Come anytime between 2 and 4PM, just let us know what time you'll arrive on the registration form.

Eeyore's Eensie Weensie's Storytime
Tuesday, September 27: 9:45-10:15 AM 

Ages birth-23 months. Registration required.
Our littlest patrons and their caregivers are invited to join us for lap rhymes, songs, and board books!

Tigger's Tiny Tales Storytime
Thursday, September 29: 11:00-11:30 AM

Ages 1-5 years. Registration required separately for each session.
Join us for stories, songs and rhymes.

Teen Advisory Board Meeting
Thursday, September 29: 3:00 PM in Community Room

Middle and High School Students. Registration required. Application required.
Those in middle and high school that are interested in having a larger voice at the library can join our teen advisory board. Here we discuss upcoming teen programs, volunteer opportunities and community service. If you are interested in joining you can attend this meeting to pick up an application and ask questions or email [email protected].

Click Here for more information.