
Trudy Busch Valentine, the clear choice for Senate

Government and Politics

October 29, 2022

At this inflective moment for the rule of law and social and economic justice in this country, we find that one of the nation’s only two political parties is in a destructive devil’s bargain with election deniers and conspiracy theorists. Former president, Donald J. Trump, a person known in New York City in the real estate developer’s community as a con man who seemed to always be just a step ahead of the law. Yet Trump has been able to capitalize on fear and grievance by blatantly stoking white supremacy and stirring the hatreds of racism and nativism, misogyny and homophobia along with an anti-intellectualism that includes an aversion to proven facts that regards science as subversive.

A list of legal challenges against Trump has eroded his support only slightly over the past two years. Eight out of 10 Republicans still view him favorably and still deny that Biden won legitimately in 2020. One wonders what accounts for this loyalty to someone who lies all the time and behaves in what appears to be criminal ways. Nevertheless, this amoral man enjoys what seems like cult support in the Republican Party.

The current Republican Party exemplified by Trumpism has nominated many despicable, corrupt candidates for the upcoming elections. It’s a rogue gallery of some misfits, liars, and scoundrels. Conservatives have allowed their party to be overtaken by a cult that lacks any ethically responsible barriers. Missouri Republicans have embraced demagogue Trump wholeheartedly with all the Republican U.S. Senate candidates begging in the primary to become another Trump lackey, willing to do anything to gain his blessing.

Fortunately, the Democrats have nominated someone who represents the better, more moral nature of America. Trudy Busch Valentine has stepped up to challenge Attorney General Eric Schmitt who AP reports that “in 20 months he has filed 25 lawsuits against President Joe Biden, putting Missouri behind only Louisiana in the number of lawsuits against the Biden administration.” U.S. and World News ranks Louisiana the “worst state in the nation.”  In his first two years in office, Schmitt filed just one suit against the Trump administration.

Busch Valentine has rebuked this blatant pandering of the Missouri attorney general saying that he has wasted taxpayers’ resources “by filing endless publicity-seeking lawsuits over things that do not have anything to do with the central issues facing Missouri.” While Schmitt has used the resources of his office to serve his unprincipled pursuit of a Senate seat, Busch Valentine has stepped forward as an advocate for the causes she has supported over her lifetime as a highly privileged person who found meaning and purpose in her life by serving others. Her life choices reflect the authenticity of her claims. She has based her campaign on her experiences as a mother, nurse, and supporter of children’s causes. Her stance on the issues facing the country makes her a clear choice over a political opportunist who has joined wholeheartedly the hordes who act in lockstep with Donald J. Trump and his destructive, racist behavior.

The stakes are high in this Senate race in Missouri as well as around the country to see if this country continues to backslide on some of its promises for equal opportunity for everyone. Trudy Busch Valentine stands for fulfilling that promise to everyone. We must vote to show our solidarity with those who stand up against those who would push back against progress. It is important for our voices to be heard at the ballot box. The St. Louis American urges strongly a vote for Trudy Busch Valentine.