
Town Of Paxton : Message About Tree Debris

Government and Politics

January 25, 2023

From: Town of Paxton

If you have tree debris on your property that is not the result of a plow pushing it out of the roadway, you have three options for disposing of it:

- you can move it to a location on your property
- you can hire a contractor to dispose of it
- you can apply for a burn permit (https://paxtonma.viewpointcloud.com/categories/1076/record-types/1006359)

NO brush or tree debris may be brought to the leaf dump on Richards Avenue (please be advised that this area is monitored by video) and the DPW will only be clearing debris that was in the roadway. Please also note that roadside debris removal will happen over the next several weeks as the DPW’s first priority is keeping the roads safe and passable.

We thank everyone for their patience and cooperation as our crews work around the clock to keep our roadways and residents safe.

Any questions can be directed to (508) 753-9077 or [email protected].