
Town of Monroe: Community Events

Government and Politics

January 13, 2024

From: Town of Monroe


This is a new program being offered for caregivers as part of the Title III grant awarded to the Senior Center. We know caregiver stress is real. If you are a caregiver and are feeling stressed, isolated, overwhelmed or depressed, this support group can help. This program will help you develop lifestyle changes and offer strategies for creating a life that, despite the daily stressors and emotions of caregiving, remains balanced and meaningful! The group will be led by Arthur Gottlieb, LCSW, CSA in the Monroe Senior Center’s library which offers a confidential and calm setting, where caregivers can open up and express their normal frustrations for caregiving and receive non-judgmental advice and suggestions.

Group dates and times will be listed in the monthly Center Newsletter available on the town website. The first two dates are:

 - Friday January 26th at 3:00pm
 - Friday February 23rd at 3:00pm

For more information contact Jean at the Monroe Senior Center, 203.452.2815 ext 1 or [email protected]