
Town Of Easton A Message From First Selectman Bindelglass - May 20, 2022

Government and Politics

May 23, 2022

From: Town of Easton

The Covid numbers continue to increase with hospitalizations still rising. With the amount of home testing, real numbers are difficult to interpret, but an increasing number of hospitalizations is hard to refute as a sign that things are worsening.  In Easton, the number of reported cases has fallen from 38 in the prior week to 20 for week ending May 14th. I continue to believe that people need to make their own decisions about masking in public but this latest wave is clearly not over.

There are some important events in town over the next several weeks. On May 26th, the town will have a public hearing to discuss the latest draft dated May 16, 2022, of the Affordable Housing Plan, which the Selectmen will then approve and submit by the June 1st deadline. The updated version of the plan which will be considered is available on the town website’s home page or by copying and pasting the following link: https://www.eastonct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif3071/f/pages/easton_updated_ah_plan_for_ph_051622.pdf

The meeting will be held at Samuel Staples at 7:00pm. It will be available on line via Zoom at Meeting ID: 871 6576 5215 Passcode: 06612 or Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/events/976451076390054/

The town will be holding the Annual Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 30th remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect and preserve our way of life in America.  If you are newer to town, please come join us at one of the great events which brings the town together. We hope to see you there. The parade starts at the firehouse green at 9:30am and is followed by a ceremony at Town Hall. All groups marching, please gather at the firehouse green by 9:00am.

On May 31st, there will be a Special Town Meeting to discuss the petition to create a conservation easement for the remaining land on South Park Avenue. The meeting will be held at Samuel Staples at 7:00pm and will available on line as well.  Details can be found at https://www.eastonct.gov/home/news/05312022-special-town-meeting-700-pm-sses.

At last night’s Board of Selectmen meeting I read a proclamation identifying May 8, 2022, as Ovarian Cancer Day recognizing the 22,000 women who have struggled with this disease including our own Noreen Forde.

Most of you have probably read or know firsthand about the current shortage of baby formula. The United Way has information about how you can get assistance in obtaining formula at https://unitedwaycfc.org/infant-formula-shortage-resources.

Finally, last week we said goodbye to a long serving member of our town hall family. Joan Kirk has been our Assistant Town Clerk for many years. She has always been a smiling face and helpful hand in that office as well as her contributions to the cemetery committee.  She will be greatly missed.

Stay cool and safe this weekend!

David Bindelglass