
Town of Easton A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass - July 8, 2022

Government and Politics

July 9, 2022

From: Town of Easton

Good afternoon,

The Covid numbers remain about the same with some talk about new variants and a coming uptick. I think most of us have pretty much returned to our normal lives and rightfully so. Those of you with small children should discuss vaccinations with your pediatricians. For the adults, remember the virus is still with us and many face circumstances where we should still be cautious and thoughtful.

Congratulations to the Easton/Redding 11U Baseball team. They will be playing for the State Championship on Saturday morning. They are the only undefeated team left in the tournament. They would have to be beaten by the same team twice on Saturday. Either way, they are advancing to the Regionals for the first time in town history!!! Good luck!

I also want to congratulate the Easton Courier for receiving 16 awards from the CT Society for Professional Journalism. This is truly great work, and having lived in town for many years during the publishing of the paper version of the Courier, the breath of coverage and the quality of journalism is outstanding. While there are several ways to stay in touch with what is happening in town, reading the Courier can be extremely helpful.

The Easton Senior Center is updating the Easton Town Directory for 2023.  If you are interested in placing an ad, please call the senior center at 203-268-1145.  The deadline for submission is July 31, 2022.

Reminder from the Tax Collector that taxes are due and become delinquent on August 2, 2022.

Have a wonderful weekend!
