
Town of Easton : A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass - August 12, 2022

Government and Politics

August 13, 2022

From: Town of Easton

Hopefully the weather is breaking and it will be a little cooler. COVID is staying about the same.

The 13th Annual Farm Tour is this weekend, Saturday, August 13th from 10:00am-2:00pm.  The tour will begin at Samuel Staples Elementary School. Farming is such a huge part of our heritage and you will be amazed when you take the tour how much Easton really has to offer. No where else in Fairfield County are there such a variety of farms. Farming is incredibly hard work and we have such dedicated farmers who play a big part of making our town what it is. Also, thanks to Citizens for Easton who sponsor the event.

As you may have noticed the Silverman’s have been planting in the fields in front of Samuel Staples Elementary School, and thousands of Sunflowers are now in bloom. In addition to the many things they do for our town, we thank them for adding this beautiful color to Easton. They have done this as a sign of solidarity with Ukraine. They have asked me to inform you that these flowers are a donation to the residents of Easton and any resident is welcome to visit the field in front of the school and help themselves to a bouquet of these beautiful flowers. No restriction on number. The only requirement is that you bring your own clippers.

We continue to work on the issues surrounding the tank removal from the Easton Village Store. The environmental consultant hired by the owner is working on next steps. The health department will soon make a determination about well testing. We are contacting Aquarion to see whether they have any ongoing concerns and the fire marshal’s office remains in contact with DEEP. In terms of future management of tank removal issues, we are consulting with surrounding towns, particularly those which deal with commercial tank issues on a more regular basis as to what their protocols are.

Keep in mind that all driveway paving jobs require a permit. Contact Department of Public Works for information at 203-268-0714 or email [email protected].

Due to scheduling conflicts, the Board of Selectmen meetings for August 18th and September 1st have been cancelled and replaced by a Special meeting to be held on August 25th.

Easton Volunteer Emergency Medical Services is hosting a charity ride and classic car show on Saturday, August 20, 2022, with a rain date on the following day at Samuel Staples Elementary School from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Please see eastonems.com for further information.

Senior Center Estate Sale – The Easton Senior Center will have an estate sale, instead of an auction, beginning August 15th through September 9th from 8:00am to 3:00pm daily. Please come see the many beautiful unique items!

The Senior Center is updating the Easton Town Directory. In an effort to offset the printing cost and raise funding for Seniors’ classes, they are seeking donations. Suggested donations: Benefactor ($100), Patron ($75), Supporter ($50) or Friend ($25), however, any amount is greatly appreciated. Please submit your donation to the Easton Senior Center, 650 Morehouse Road, no later than August 25th.  They appreciate your generosity. For those of you newer to town this directory has always been a great resource beyond being a phone book. There are plans to make it accessible as a digital asset as well as the physical book.

The Third Annual Easton Town Party is scheduled for Saturday, September 10, 2022, 1:00pm-7:00pm. Celebrating community spirit, live music, local food, craft beer and beverages, family fun and more!

Join Easton EMS for a Fireworks display on September 10, 2022, at Samuels Staples Elementary School/Morehouse Fields. Gates open at 5:00pm, show will begin at sundown.  For pricing, rain date and further information, please see eastonems.com. This is a fund raiser as we look ahead to building a new EMS headquarters. Your generosity is much appreciated, particularly at this critical time.

We are excited to partner with the CT Conference of Municipalities (CCM) to promote the 2022 CCM Broadband Connectivity Survey! Your input will help guide federal investments in more reliable internet access for Connecticut’s residents. Please complete this very brief survey from your home network today! https://us1se.voxco.com/S2/?st=Qy2XVUXkMopsfRVVXJ83B7remyhuSAmk7HU2F0A%2...

Enjoy your weekend,
