
Town Of East Hartford : Invasive Species Alert- Lanternfly Alert

Government and Politics

August 17, 2022

From: Town Of East Hartford

East Hartford, CT – The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has identified a highly invasive species of insect called the Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) in the state and has declared a quarantine for any movement of any materials (e.g. brush, trees, firewood, pallets, really – anything) to try to prevent the spread of this invasive insect.

So far, only a few individual adults have been spotted in Connecticut, but a potential infestation could be devastating to Connecticut’s agricultural industry.

According to the CT DEEP,  spotted laternflies feed on approximately 60 genera of the trees and plants found in North America, and in Connecticut, 47% of the forest trees are considered as potentially susceptible. This poses a major concern for fruit and cosmetic landscape trees, as well as some crops like grapes and hops. 


-Kill the insect

-Do not attempt to move any wood or other potentially infested material from the site. 

-Follow the instructions on the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Spotted Lanternfly sample submission form to send a dead specimen sample; or

-Take lots of photos and carefully note the location to report your finding to the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES) at [email protected]

The SLF looks different at different stages of its life cycle and presents many different signs of possible infestation. Click here for more information.