
Town of Brookfield Spotlight - January 2023

Government and Politics

January 1, 2023

From: Town of Brookfield

Happy New Year! I hope that you and yours were able to enjoy some well-deserved downtime and holiday cheer. I just can’t believe another year has come and gone. A new year brings opportunity for change and growth. The one constant in life is that we can always expect things to change!

The newspaper reporter asked what my priorities are for 2023. I have several in no particular order.

Continue to ensure Brookfield is a thriving and prosperous community;
Collaborate with NCLC to create land trusts to protect our remaining forest; Establish a cogent (10 year - financial) plan for the future as a result of the work of the Capital Committee;
Complete our Charter Revision and update our Charter through the work of the Charter Revision Commission;
Build our new communication system for First responders;
Continue to work with new Directors (Land Use, Health, Parks & Rec, Library) to enhance and update these departments;
Create a 2nd Historical District with the work of the Historical Commission, and
Successfully open our new elementary school.

We have so much work to do and I’m looking forward to all of it.

December proved to be an incredibly busy month. We swore in two new police officers, on-boarded four new town employees, and retired three employees. We hired a new Director of Parks and Recreation. Additionally, the Library Director will be leaving in January. A lot of change!

The Board of Education presented their budget at their 12/14/22 meeting. To view their presentation please visit: Board of Education Meeting 12-14-22 - YouTube

To see information regarding the BoE proposed budget please visit: 2023-2024 Budget | Brookfield Public Schools

Additionally, our Director of Finance held budget meetings with each Department Head -we expect their operating budgets to be submitted by January 17th. The Capital Committee is off to a good start with two meetings behind them, and plans to solidify a ten- year capital plan. Furthermore, the Charter Revision Commission continues their work to update the Charter.

I'm pleased to introduce Kristen Lanese, the new face of the First Selectman’s office. Kristen and her family (3 teenagers!) have lived in Brookfield for 16 years and she has worked for the BOE since 2014. There are many moving parts and responsibilities in this position, but I'm confident Kristen will be a great fit to succeed Ginny. Welcome, Kristen!

I wish you all a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year!

Yours in Service,
Tara Carr
First Selectman

Board of Selectmen Meeting

Monday, January 9, at 7:00 p.m., Meeting Room 133. The meeting agenda will be posted on the town website the Friday afternoon prior to the meeting, and will be live-streamed and recorded for viewing.

Town Offices will be closed on:

Monday, January 2 for New Year’s Day and Monday, January 16 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Board of Selectmen Coffee with Community

Coffee with the Community is on January 28 at Jesters Coffee located at 331 Federal Road. We encourage you to stop by with any questions or concerns for the Board of Selectmen.


The supplemental bills for the 2021 grand list are out. If you no longer have your vehicle, please email our office the plate receipt and proof of what happened to the vehicle to [email protected].

If you closed your business in town, instructions and forms can be found on the town website.

Elderly and Veterans forms for the tax relief programs will be out the first week of February 2023. If you were on the programs in prior years, we'll send you the forms you need in the mail. If you just moved here and you are a veteran, please file your DD-214 with the Town Clerk. If you are over 65 on or before December 31, 2022 and have never been on the elderly tax relief program or are new to Brookfield, please go to the town website.

Economic Development

Brookfield was awarded a $1.2 million grant from CT’s Department of Economic and Community Development to remediate the contaminated soil and to abate and demolish the building at 20 Station Rd. A kick-off meeting with the DECD is scheduled for Jan 5 to discuss the requirements for completing the grant contract and review the technical execution of the project. Of some concern to the town are some of the stipulations associated with this award

Public Works

Winter is here and once again the snow has started to fall. As we snow plow our streets it is inevitable that sometimes a mailbox is damaged. Town policy states that if the box or post is damaged as a result of the snow being pushed and there is no physical contact between the plow and the box or post then the town is not liable for the damage. You can view the official policy on the town website.

If your box is damaged this winter and you feel the plow physically made contact the best way for us to make a determination is by sending your name, address and date of the damage with a picture of the damage to [email protected]

Tax Collector


Taxes are due January 1, 2023 for second installment of real estate and personal property. The motor vehicle supplemental bills are also due January 1, 2023. The last day to pay without penalty is February 1, 2023. Town Hall is closed. You may make your payment by mail, the online portal or visiting our office during business hours. We accept personal checks, money orders and bank checks. We only accept cash up to $500 per day. Please see the website for more information.

Health Department

Winter Illnesses

It’s January and you’re wondering, “Can I get still get the flu shot?” The answer is yes! It’s still worth getting a flu shot, even if it’s January, February or even March. Influenza season can often last well into May and late protection is better than no protection at all! The flu vaccine can significantly reduce your risk of catching the flu. And if you get a flu shot and still get the flu, the vaccine helps reduce your risk of severe illness and hospitalization.

We’re seeing higher rates of flu infection this year. Many people may have less immunity against the respiratory infection because COVID masking and social distancing measures blunted flu's spread.

Is it the flu or COVID? It’s hard to tell! There are at least a dozen symptoms shared by both, but there are some differences that help distinguish them. A key difference is the incubation period for the viruses -- that is, the time it takes to develop symptoms after exposure to it. The flu always strikes quickly, typically one to three days. Coronavirus, however, can take anywhere from two to 14 days. This is why it's important to isolate immediately after exposure so as not to unknowingly infect others.

People usually recover from the flu in seven to 10 days, while it’s believed that it takes at least 10 days to recover from the coronavirus. Fever: COVID and flu both cause fever -- COVID-19 patients usually have a fever of 100 F or higher, while flu sufferers often experience a higher fever of 100F to 102F that lasts three to four days.

Talk to a healthcare provider about getting tested for both flu and COVID-19 if you have symptoms. And call Brookfield’s Public Health Nurse Tracey Cahill at 203-775-7314 if you have any questions or still need your COVID Omicron Bivalent Booster.

Social Services

NAMI Family Support Group is a peer-led support group for any adult with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. Gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar experiences.

Brookfield Family Support Group
Time: 7:00-8:30pm
Every month on last Wednesday
Brookfield Senior Center, 100 Pocono Road, Brookfield, CT
No RSVP Necessary for more information send an email to
[email protected] or call 845-548-4961 or 973-885-7015

Looking to expand your knowledge in 2023? We have so much more than books at the Library! Check out the new exhibit in the Art Gallery, Connecticut Calligraphers. You won’t want to miss our all-ages presentation of Birds of Prey. Join Atom Rush for an Open Mic Experience. Get the year off to a good start making a Gratitude Jar. Whether you are crafty, techy, a reader, or a lover of movies …check out our Events Calendar for details here. Kids can enjoy storytimes, STEAM, Science Explorers, cooking, crafts, or yoga activities. Teens can join a writing group or a book discussion. Adults can knit, sew, needle felt, learn about our downloadable books, the financial market, or join the multigenerational Chess Club. Young or old, all lifelong learners can grow at the Brookfield Library.

As with other Town Offices, the Library will be closed on January 1 and 2 for the New Year holiday, as well as January 16, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Click here for Parks & Recreation’s update. THE WINTER 2023 PROGRAM GUIDE WILL BE DELIVERED TO BROOKFIELD MAILBOXES BETWEEN 12/26/22 - 12/31/22.

Click here for the Brookfield Public Schools update on the Superintendent’s three main points from the Board of Education regular meeting on December 14, 2022.

Arts Commission

The Arts Commission received many creative and beautiful gingerbread houses. Thanks to all who shared their creations for our Brookfield residents to enjoy!

Congratulations to our 2022 Gingerbread House Winners:


1st Place - Eve Sturdevant
2nd Place - Marisa Hernandez
3rd Place - Maryann Frengs

Under 16:

1st Place - Ella Frengs
2nd Place - Heidi Hernandez
3rd Place - Dylan Elliot & his grandfather, Tony Cipri

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