
Three Questions Tim Sheehy Could Face at the First Debate

Government and Politics

May 15, 2024

On June 9th, Montanans will be watching to see if Sheehy comes clean about his many lies

Helena, MT – On May 15th, it was confirmed that Transplant Tim Sheehy plans to participate in the first Montana Senate debate on Sunday, June 9th. 

For the first time in his campaign, Sheehy will have to provide Montanans with clear answers about his many lies and out-of-touch positions

Three Questions That Sheehy Must Answer:

  1. Why are you refusing to release your hospital medical records related to the day court documents show you shot yourself in the arm in Glacier National Park?

  2. Why do you support transferring public lands

  3. Your business has reported $77 million in losses. How can Montanans trust your fiscal responsibility while your company is deeply in debt?