
The Norfolk Library : Night Owl - October 14, 2022

Schools and Libraries

October 14, 2022

From: The Norfolk Library

Stinson Memorial Library, 1914
Anna, Illinois

In 1903, Robert Burns Stinson left his entire estate to the city of Anna and specified in his will that the money was to be used to build a fireproof public library. Perhaps the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 influenced that specification. The Library was designed by Walter Burley Griffin, an Illinois architect who studied under Frank Lloyd Wright. Griffin was an advocate of using materials indigenous to the area, and designed a library with walls of rough-cut limestone, quarried nearby, topped with a reinforced concrete band of stained glass windows. The building was dedicated in 1914 and was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1978.

Performance: Andes Manta
Saturday, October 15, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.

In recognition of Indigenous Peoples' Day, the Norfolk Library welcomes the renowned South American musicians of Andes Manta to present a concert of traditional Andean music. This highly acclaimed group has brought their dynamic stage presentation to audiences from Carnegie Hall to the Discovery Channel. Widely recognized for the brilliance of their musicianship, the members of Andes Manta play over 35 different instruments ranging from the 6-foot long panpipe and Quena, or Andean flute, to goat toenail rattles and Spanish guitars.

Andes Manta brings to life the ancient culture of the Incas and their predecessors, a peoples focused on the natural world. Recreating the melodies of a civilization thousands of years old, these Ecuadorian musicians perform a variety of traditional rhythms, from the haunting melodies of the high Andes to the joyous dance rhythms of Indian village festivals. They weave the magic of their sound into a trip to the Amazon rain forest complete with chirping frogs and calling birds.

This vibrant and powerful music continues to be played from Colombia to Tierra del Fuego, and none play it better than the four Lopez brothers who make up ANDES MANTA. Fernando, Luis, Bolivar and Jorge bring this unique art form to North America in its purest and most authentic form. Natives of the Ecuadorian Andes, the brothers learned their traditional folk music as it has been learned for thousands of years - passed from father to son, and brother to brother.
Visit here to register for this free concert.

Click Here For More Information About The Norfolk Library : Night Owl - October 14, 2022