
The Invisible Dog Art Center - Annual Fundraiser, Zayan Reveals a Secret

Arts and Entertainment

October 13, 2022

From: The Invisible Dog Art Center

Dear Friends,

What we like the most at The Invisible Dog is sharing moments of pleasure with you. 

The pleasure to greet you at 51 Bergen street for an exhibition or a performance, the pleasure to sit on the bench for a conversation, the pleasure to share a delicious meal around the table at la Salle A Manger, or simply the pleasure to send you an email and know that you will be reading it.

But once a year, there is a pleasure that we are waiting for more than any other: yours, to discover our new fundraising movie directed by Mac Premo and ours, to receive your generous annual donation.

Simple pleasures are always the best!

First and foremost, I promised you a secret but before, watch the movie below!

I could write endless paragraphs telling you how important your support is, how we could not survive without it, etc etc. But you know that already.

Instead, we made a movie that reveals the very secret recipe of how to curate a season.

The recipe to create an exciting five-week festival with 80 artists like Nafas, to invite talents from all over the world in residency in New York City, like Marina Gadonneix and Nicene Kossentini, to welcome creator Eva Doumbia for a project around the history of rice in 2023. And much more. 

In short the recipe of the pleasure!

For the next 30 days, starting today, I'm going to email you, text you, call you, meet you, and beg you to donate to The Invisible Dog

It will be my pleasure to ask you, I hope it will be your pleasure to give to us in return. 

This year, in addition to the usual rewards for your donation, we offer you a large selections of artworks to thank you even more for your support. 

And remember there is not donation to big or too small. Each dollar counts! 

It's time to get pop corn, sit back, watch the movie ... and donate

Gourmandly yours, and thank you in advance!


Watch the movie

The Recipe of the Movie

Omakase of Bergen Street

A movie directed by Mac Premo

Written and produced by Adrianna Dufay 

Edited by Owen McLean

Omakase of Bergen Street is the 11th movie produced by Adrianna Dufay  and directed by Mac Premo for The Invisible Dog's annual fundraiser.

Do you want to know how do we make them? Let's spill the beans! 

Every year, at the of August, Premo, Dufay and Zayan meet to discuss the theme of the new movie. The inspiration comes from the news (The President in 2020), personal events (Zayan's American citizenship in 2019) or simply from a funny idea (The Curator in 2017).

The process is pretty simple: after they agree about the general idea - and usually after a lot of laughs- Zayan is assigned to write the first draft and send it to Dufay who makes the script sparkling. Because she is Chef.

Usually, Premo remains discreet at this stage.

After a couple of back and forth, the final script is validated and while Zayan starts to learn his lines, Dufay prepares the shoot, the props and Premo prays that the light will be good He gets very anxious about that.

The day prior to the shoot, Zayan goes to the barber, gets a hair cut, a manicure and drinks a lot of water. The day of the shoot, Dufay prepares the set, Mac fights with the lights as always and Zayan still learns his lines.

For Omakase of Bergen Street, the shoot lasted 6 hours. Why so long? Simply because Zayan did not understand what he was talking about. All these food expressions with double entendeur were very new to him. But if you want to know another little secret, it's mostly because he is more obsessed about looking good at the camera than learning his lines. But when it's about cooking, he is a Chef. 

When the shoot was over - it's a wrap said Premo -, the rushes are sent to Owen McLean for editing. He is a Chef too.

Usually, Dufay sends Zayan a text message: "You look good". She knows the right words at the right time. 

And that's where Premo puts his last touches, his nafas that makes the movie not only good but exceptional. Premo is the true Chef.
