
The Haunted Hollow Attraction 2022

Arts and Entertainment

September 14, 2022

From: The Haunted Hollow


FINN's Funeral Home & Casket Company:

FINN's Funeral Home & Casket Company is our original haunt.  It was opened for tours in October of 2007.  Every year we retain the best sets and add to, or change the older sets and scares to keep FINN's fresh for our guests.

The FINN's Tour begins in the Funeral Home Parlor.  You'll tour the Cemetery, Mausoleum, and Witch's Shack.  The tour includes over 25 detail themed sets such as the Tower Room, Clock Room, and Nursery, and also includes the Dark House Maze, Casket Warehouse, and Hell House.  There are between 30-50 scares in the FINN's Funeral Home & Casket Company.

The VILLAGE of the DEAD:

The VILLAGE of the DEAD is a haunted trail to, and through the old Beulah Village.  As in the name of the Haunt, the villagers have long since departed from this life and not only enjoy visitors, but insist that you stay a while.

You'll tour the Sleepwalkers home, The Woodsman's Shack, Sawmill, the Cellar, Taxidemy Shop, and of course you'll have to escape from the Rat Man.


Anything Goes in SPINAL TAP, including the actors can touch you.  If you have a fear of being touched in the dark by gruesome, creepy monsters, or a fear of clowns, serial killers, awful tight spaces, extreme darkness, or being left by your friends to wander alone through a terrifying maze, you'll hate SPINAL TAP.

But, most people Love to Hate SPINAL TAP. We Tap into your deepest fears.  Fear that runs down your spine.  Spinal Tap is an interactive haunt which requires the guests to do a few unexpected things, such as maneuvering through The CAR, and negotiating The Tunnel and Fun House.

Spinal Tap also includes the Slaughter House, where our own style of serial killers live, which does not require special movement other than the normal ducking, dodging, attempts to escape, screaming, crying, begging, and the occassional wetting of ones undergarments.

From there, you'll enter CLOWN TOWN. There's nothing scary about clowns, so we're not even going to describe what is inside.

SPINAL TAP is optional.  No one is required to go through SPINAL TAP so, if you don't want to,.... Don't.

Show Date: Fridays and Saturdays from September 30 - October 29, 2022

6:30pm - 10pm Central Time
7:30pm - 11pm Eastern Time

Location: The Haunted Hollow - 12568 Lee Road 279 Valley, AL 36854

All Hunts - $35
Sep 30 - $25 with Coupon
Oct 1 - $30 with Coupon

Click here for more information.