
Statement: Chair Barnes Highlights President Biden’s Commitment to Delivering for Black Michiganders

Government and Politics

May 18, 2024

LANSING — Ahead of President Biden’s historic speech in Detroit on May 19th, Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party Lavora Barnes released the following statement:

“The past two days, First Lady Jill Biden and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff have been traveling all across our great state to talk with our communities about what they care about most, and tomorrow, President Biden is speaking at the NAACP Fight for Freedom Dinner — because this is an administration that does not simply pay lip service to Black Michiganders, but they actually show up for us.

“Too often Black men and women are ignored by politicians until it comes time to court our vote, but the Biden-Harris administration has been delivering for our communities of color since day one and is all-in on reaching those voters this election cycle. From delivering the lowest Black unemployment in years, lowering the cost of health care, and forgiving thousands of Michiganders’ student loan debt, President Biden has proven his commitment to Black communities time and time again.

“We are proud to have the President, First Lady, and Second Gentleman in Michigan, as the road to the White House continues to run through Michigan.”