
Scoville Memorial Library Update And Correction : Tech Class And Support

Schools and Libraries

June 23, 2022

From: Scoville Memorial Library

Update and correction:

While the class below is now full, you may place your name on a list in the event we offer this class again – or to make a date for basic tech support with a student intern next month. To do so, please write: [email protected]

Make Friends With Your Technology: Learn to Overcome Your Fears to Use Your Phones, Smart Devices, and Computers Like a Teenager

Thursday, June 30, 4:00 pm 

This non-technical, interactive workshop, hosted by a long-time professional tech tutor, will try to provide perspective on the most common barriers for tech users - especially for older consumers. We’ll discuss the factors seen most frequently with real-world users, including how to: 

- Learn to explore fearlessly

- Teach yourself to teach yourself 

- Stop over-thinking what are actually easy steps, such as screen alerts • Realize that it's often not your fault, but the result of poor design or messaging 

We’ll also show you some of the top tips and tricks to let you make the most of your tech, and will take the time to answer questions about your specific issues, on your own devices – so bring your phones, iPads, or laptops. The workshop is interactive and will be conducted with just a handful of patrons. 

Let a technology tutor and former Apple Store specialist show you how you can change your thinking, and make friends with your tech. 

Instructor Michael Jay is a technology consultant and educator who has worked with tech products professionally for over 30 years. He has taught tech-related courses at NYU, among other universities, as well as at numerous Connecticut libraries. Michael is a certified Apple Teacher and the owner of Personal Tech Support.

The class will be limited to 8 students.