
Saint Columbkille Partnership School - April 2023 Newsletter

Schools and Libraries

April 19, 2023

A Note from Saint Columbkille

Dear Saint Columbkille families and friends,

This past week, we started our new soccer program and held our performance of Aladdin.  Watching both was pure joy! The soccer teams, in their matching team t-shirts, had a healthy sense of competition and yet encouraged and cheered each other on as teams started to score.  Aladdin did not disappoint, with the actors singing and dancing their hearts out! They brought the audience to its feet, not just because of the talent, but because of the fun the cast and crew were having.

Many people look at athletics and theater as such different activities, but what I saw, both on the soccer field and on the stage, were the similarities. Both take commitment, teamwork, and respect. Participation in either can be scary and requires a certain amount of resilience. Soccer requires a coach, a performance needs a director,  but both require students who are willing to listen, take risks and work as a team. Both hope to perform well and yet need resilience when things do not go as well as planned.

We know how important academics are to our students’ development, but we also know how important activities such as soccer and drama are to developing children’s emotional and social
well-being. At Saint Columbkille, we value developing the whole child and look for ways to find what activity might spark a child’s interest and maybe even become a passion for him or her.

As we move into spring activities at Saint Cols (and there are many!), I hope you will join us. Whether it is the BC Race to Educate, Grandparents/Very Important Person Day, First Holy Communion, the May Procession, Multicultural Potluck Dinner, or our alumni event Come Home to Columb, we invite you to challenge yourself and your children to try something that might spark an interest and help us to become well-rounded, thoughtful people with and for others.


Chief Advancement and Enrollment Officer
[email protected]


STCPS students perform Aladdin
Loyola Academy honors March LLMs

Instructional Coach Tara Frost pens article on joy

STCPS parent to run Boston Marathon

BC Race to Educate 2023:

There's Still Time to Register & Donate!

The 13th annual BC Race to Educate is Saturday, April 29, 2023 in Alumni Stadium at Boston College. There is still time to register for the 5K and kids fun run! Please consider supporting the race today. All proceeds support programs and services ensuring that all students at Saint Columbkille receive a high-quality Catholic education.

We have raised $100,000 and we need your help to reach our $200,000 goal. Thank you for your generosity!

Register today

Donate here