
Poison Apple Productions - Actor Of The Week

Arts and Entertainment

September 14, 2022

From: Poison Apple Productions

Actor Of The Week: Emma Avina!

An interview with Emma Avina, our Actor of the Week:

Why do you love theatre?
I love theatre because of all the different people I work with and the fun of theatre! The acting is amazing, and so are all the people. It’s a delight to meet new people every show!

How long have you been at Poison Apple?
I have been at poison apple since the summer of 2021.

What has been your favorite show you’ve performed in?
My favorite show I’ve been in is the main stage show of Moana Jr.

Favorite role?
My favorite role was the role of Maui I played in the summer of 2021.

What’s something you’ve learned from doing theatre?
Theatre has taught me how to be my true authentic self and it has taught me how to interact with people in all aspects of my life. Whether at school or at Poison Apple, I have learned how to not be shy and to be myself.

Can you tell us about a moment onstage when something didn’t go as planned? How did it turn out?
During my first show, I had forgotten one of my lines, and had paused on stage trying to remember the line. After a few seconds, I said the closest thing to the line that I could remember, and it turned out all right! Everyone was super supportive backstage and the audience did not know..

What’s one piece of advice you’d like to give to someone stepping onstage for the first time?
I would say that you should always have confidence on stage, even if you’re nervous for your first show, confidence is a great feeling to have, even if you mess up on a line! If you say it confidently and act like it was a part of the script, the audience can’t tell! Just try your best on stage.

Is there anyone you’d like to give a shout-out to for supporting you on your acting journey?
I would like to give a shout-out to everyone I’ve worked with in past shows, thank you for encouraging me and being my friend backstage or just throughout the show! Love you guys!!

Previous credits with Poison Apple include, but aren’t limited to…Moana JR, The Little Mermaid, Frozen KIDS, Honk JR, and Wonka KIDS!

To be chosen as the Actor of the Week, actors need to be enthusiastic and dedicated to the Poison Apple acting program. We're highlighting individuals who are team players, supportive, encouraging, and inspiring to their peers! Not only that, but they embrace themselves onstage in every performance no matter the size of the role.

Check out our instagram below for more photos of our Actor of the Week!

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