
PCPS Announces District 5 Finalists for Teacher and School-RelatedEmployee of the Year

Schools and Libraries

September 25, 2023

From: Polk County Public Schools

Congratulations to our District 5 finalists for the 2023-24 Polk County Teacher and School-Related Employee of the Year:

 - Kara Holt, Teacher of the Year finalist, ESE facilitator, Sleepy Hill Middle

 - Debra Glisson, School-Related Employee of the Year finalist, media paraeducator, Griffin Elementary

Read more about them on our website: https://polkschoolsfl.com/newsrelease/pcps-announces-district-5-finalists-for-teacher-and-school-related-employee-of-the-year-2/

PCPS is recognizing finalists from all seven districts, and the overall winners will be announced at the Inspire Awards on Nov. 9 at the RP Funding Center in Lakeland.