
Payroll Administrator Named Guilford County Schools Employee Of The Month

Schools and Libraries

August 9, 2022

From: Guilford County Schools

Payroll is a department that everybody needs but most people don’t think about – unless there’s a problem. Sandy Infinger makes sure the nearly 10,000 employees in Guilford County Schools don’t have to think about payroll very often. 

As a program administrator in the payroll department, she assists with setting up new employee accounts, processes paychecks for staff on a wide variety of schedules and addresses issues should they arise. Her helpful nature earned her a nomination and the title of August GCS Employee of the Month. 

“Sandy is amazing!” wrote Jackson Middle multi-classroom leader Deanna Johnson. “She is always kind and gracious with any email or phone call received about payroll. She is always friendly and efficient. If I ever need to call her for anything, she will promptly respond and make sure that I am a priority. Everyone wants their paychecks to be correct and we all know that systems may have glitches and even human error occurs. I have never called or needed Sandy and she didn't come through for me and countless others. She is truly a jewel!” 

Infinger received a $50 gift card courtesy of the Greensboro Jaycees. During the month of August, her photo will hang at the district’s central offices, in the payroll department and at the Greensboro Jaycees office.