
Milwaukee-Area Nonprofits Are Leadingan Effort To Flip The Script On Giving

Schools and Libraries

November 21, 2022

From: Urban Ecology Center - Riverside Park

Good morning,

I hope this email finds you well!

We wanted to reach out with the reminder that Giving First is tomorrow, Tuesday November 22!

As holiday shopping season nears, a coalition of 45+ Milwaukee-area nonprofits are leading a coordinated effort to emphasize the importance of supporting our communities first through a campaign called Giving First.

Giving First day flips the script by encouraging philanthropy one week before Giving Tuesday, which traditionally falls after Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber-Monday shopping.  Local nonprofits put the community first all year long and hope the community will put them first this giving season. 

This year, Giving First has 45+ community-serving organizations conducting their fundraising campaigns on November 22nd instead of the traditional Giving Tuesday. This is something we know Milwaukee will rally behind.  

You can find more information and quotes from local non-profits involved in the attached press release and on the website givingfirstday.org

Here is the link to the Giving First logo

We are happy to help arrange interviews.

Thank you and have a good day!