
James Blackstone Memorial Library Director's Report: March 2023

Schools and Libraries

March 16, 2023

From: James Blackstone Memorial Library

Click here or on the image above to read the Director's Report.

Click here to purchase tickets.

Call For Silent Auction Items,
Sponsorships And Volunteers —

The Blackstone Library is bringing MINI GOLF back to Branford!
And at Mini Golf: After Hours, the Saturday night,
adults-only event, we're holding a silent auction.

-We are accepting donations of new, unopened items and certificates for goods or services.

-Interested in becoming a sponsor? Scorecard ads and event sponsorships still available.

-Interested in volunteering for this event? We're looking for adults 21+ and mature teens
to help staff the event.

Contact Tina Strell at tstrell@blackstonelibrary.org or
call 203-488-1441 x 313 for more information. 

Donations due by April 12.

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