
Ian Lovejoy for Delegate News - July 21, 2023 AT Link

Arts and Entertainment

July 22, 2023

Hey friend- 

With summer reaching its peak, I just wanted to reach out to say I hope you are having a joyful and relaxing time with those you care about most. While we all find ways to stay comfortable amidst the heat and humidity, I thought I’d drop in and let you know about a core priority of my campaign: fixing our economy. 

Overregulation and high taxes have held back the Commonwealth for too long. As an entrepreneur, a business owner, and the Chairman of the Manassas City Economic Development committee, I know firsthand how big government always stands in the way of economic growth. Case in point: Americans - including residents of the Commonwealth - have been stuck with yet another unbelievable bill by the politicians up in D.C. 

I’m running for delegate to protect us from government economic overreach, create jobs, and keep more of your money in your wallet. Here’s a few ways I plan to do it: 

-Cut red tape and reduce regulations holding back our small businesses 

-Lighten the tax burden on job creators 

-Ensure state economic development resources go to support small businesses as much as they do larger ones

-Remove college degree requirement from all state jobs that do not absolutely need them

Hey friend- 

With summer reaching its peak, I just wanted to reach out to say I hope you are having a joyful and relaxing time with those you care about most. While we all find ways to stay comfortable amidst the heat and humidity, I thought I’d drop in and let you know about a core priority of my campaign: fixing our economy. 

Overregulation and high taxes have held back the Commonwealth for too long. As an entrepreneur, a business owner, and the Chairman of the Manassas City Economic Development committee, I know firsthand how big government always stands in the way of economic growth. Case in point: Americans - including residents of the Commonwealth - have been stuck with yet another unbelievable bill by the politicians up in D.C. 

I’m running for delegate to protect us from government economic overreach, create jobs, and keep more of your money in your wallet. Here’s a few ways I plan to do it: 

-Cut red tape and reduce regulations holding back our small businesses 

-Lighten the tax burden on job creators 

-Ensure state economic development resources go to support small businesses as much as they do larger ones

-Remove college degree requirement from all state jobs that do not absolutely need them

If you want to learn more about how I plan to help residents of the Commonwealth and protect them from big government overreach, check out my website! If you agree that we need to reduce the size of our government, please consider chipping into my campaign. Any small amount will go a long way to help me and my team get the word out about my plan to help fix our economy. Just click the button at the bottom of this note. 

Thank you for your help, and I look forward to meeting you in person soon! 


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