
Holiday Stroll This Friday And December Library Events

Schools and Libraries

November 29, 2022

From: Medfield Public Library

Shop for handmade gifts made by local vendors 4-9 p.m. (See the vendor list here)
Childrens Activities and Crafts 4-6:30 p.m.
Tree Lighting at Baxter Park 6:30 p.m.

Please note that the library will close at 2 p.m. on Friday and you will not be able to check out library materials during the Holiday Stroll. 
The Friends Bookstore will be open for business!

Holiday Stroll Activities for The Kids! 
Please make sure a caregiver is present.

Support the Friends Of The Library and buy a fabulous limited edition tote bag, a themed gift pack, or a tote bag full of gift packs for all the book lovers on your gift list!
The Friends Bookstore will be open for business during the Holiday Stroll.

Adult Programs

Explore the fragile interdependence that exists between forests' wide variety of residents, including bald eagles, hunting dogs, and Siberian tigers.

Click to register for Tuesday 1-3 p.m.
Click to register for Thursday 6-8 p.m.

Bring pictures of people, places, things and experiences that make you feel happy and grateful to use to decorate your journal, or use all the fun decorating supplies we'll have on hand. Space is limited.  Click to register.

We had so much fun doing Zoom Embroidery Classes last winter, we're doing it again! New year, new stitches! Join us again or for the first time.  Experienced stitchers and total beginners are welcome.
Classes will be held once or twice a month, January - April, on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Zoom.  You do not need to attend every class.  
If you're not already signed up, email Bri at [email protected] by December 23rd to register.

In addition to the recurring programs above, keep an eye on our monthly events calendar for special, one-off art classes, author visits, performances, health and wellness workshops, history lectures, nature talks, and more! 
Have an idea for an adult program you'd like to see at the library? 
Email Adult Programming Librarian Bri at [email protected]

Teen Programs

Click here to sign up for the TEEN EVENTS E-NEWSLETTER.
Most teen programs are open to patrons in the 5th grade and up!

Click here to visit the Teen Events page on our website.

Kids' Programs

No registration required!

Click here to register for the program on December 14th!

Registration for this program is not yet open but check back here for details and to sign up.

No registration required!

Please choose between Pattycake Babies and Toddler Rhyme Time so there is enough space for everyone.  Thank you!

We have so many programs for Kids! Visit our Childrens Events Calendar to see them all!

Library News

Starting in January we will be open two additional hours on Sundays!
All other operating hours remain the same:
M, W, F: 10-6
Tu, Th: 10-8
Sat: 10-5
Sun: 2-5 (for the rest of 2022)

Full Library Events Calendar