
Great Barrington Libraries News: December 2022

Schools and Libraries

December 1, 2022

As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, as the temperature drops and snow falls, as the winter solstice and holidays approach, your library is here …

- with a book display featuring seasonal cooking and crafting books to borrow;

- with free access to recipes from New York Times Cooking,
a digital cookbook and cooking guide, available online and as an app;

- with an instant pot pressure cooker, a cake decorating kit,
a candle-making kit (including wax), and a jewelry-making kit (including beads), among many other helpful and interesting tools and kits available to borrow from the Library of Things
at Ramsdell Library in Housatonic;

- with gingerbread house take-home kits available in
Mason Library’s Children’s Department;

- with a winter and holiday decoration event at Ramsdell Library on Saturday, December 17th.

As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, as the temperature drops and snow falls, as the winter solstice and holidays approach, your library is here with these and so many more materials and resources to borrow and access for free…

Your library is also here as simply a place to be.

Mason Library in Great Barrington is open
Monday – Friday: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 10am – 3pm

Ramsdell Library in Housatonic is open
Monday – Wednesday: 1pm-6pm
Saturday: 10am – 3pm & Sunday: 1pm – 4pm.

We look forward to seeing you.






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BookFLIX (https://digital.scholastic.com/resources/slp/#/library-card?productCode=bkflix&ucn=600020031&ref=MTYwMjE3MDI1NDgyNHxodHRwOi8vZ2JsaWJyYXJpZXMub3JnLw%3D%3D) has 100s of animated stories and nonfiction eBooks.

Teachables (https://digital.scholastic.com/resources/slp/#/library-card?productCode=tcb&ucn=600020031&ref=MTYwMjE3MDE5OTgxOHxodHRwOi8vZ2JsaWJyYXJpZXMub3JnLw%3D%3D) has great curriculum help for teachers and parents.

Both services are easily accessible with your
GB Libraries card!

Mason Library
231 Main Street
Great Barrington, MA 01230

Monday - Friday 10am-6pm
Saturday 10am - 3pm

https://www.facebook.com/GBLibrariesKids GB Libraries FB (https://www.facebook.com/GBLibrariesKids)
https://www.instagram.com/greatbarringtonlibraries/ GB Libraries Insta (https://www.instagram.com/greatbarringtonlibraries/)
http://www.gblibraries.org GB Libraries Website (http://www.gblibraries.org)