
Governor Laura Kelly 'Axes the Food Tax' in Kansas: Here's What They're Saying

Government and Politics

May 18, 2022

From: Kansas Governor Laura Kelly

Topeka – Governor Laura Kelly signed bipartisan legislation, House Bill 2106, that will “Axe the Food Tax,” eliminating the state sales tax on groceries. Cutting the food tax will provide Kansans with much-needed fiscal relief, especially as costs continue to rise.

Currently, Kansans pay more for groceries than people in almost every other state due to the 6.5% state sales tax on groceries.

Here's what they're saying:

"We are pleased that Governor Laura Kelly and the Kansas Legislature worked on the bipartisan effort to eliminate the food sales tax. With rising food prices and inflation, Kansas families need every opportunity to have more money in their pockets to put food on the table. This tax cut will give them relief they deserve."
-Kansas Appleseed

“We are thankful this important measure has passed through the Kansas legislature. It’s estimated eliminating the state’s food sales tax will save the average family $500 a year. We applaud Governor Laura Kelly for urging the start date be pushed up to help Kansans facing high food prices now."
-Harvesters Community Food Network 

"Governor Laura Kelly and the Kansas Legislature #AxedtheFoodTax. This is fantastic news for Kansans! But Kansans need relief now. -- 'Axing the food tax is great news but there’s no reason to wait until 2025. Coffers are full and Kansans deserve relief now. Eliminating the regressive food tax immediately is an important step our state can take to help all Kansans and to address long-standing disparities.'" 
-United Methodist Health Ministry Fund

“Food taxes can require older Kansans to choose between buying food for themselves and their families and other vital necessities, such as prescription drugs and utilities. AARP is pleased that the legislature passed and Governor Kelly signed much needed legislation to help give relief to all Kansas residents and provide financial security for years to come.”
-AARP Kansas

"After years of working to eliminate Kansas' state sales tax on groceries, we finally got to see the bill signed. Thank you Gov. Laura Kelly, and everyone who worked with us over the years!"
-KC Healthy Kids

"Gov. Laura Kelly signed a bill phasing out the state’s food sales tax to zero by 2025. Our Food Policy and Advocacy Coordinator attended the bill signing. The Johnson County Food Policy Council has been advocating for the reduction in food taxes since its appointment in 2016."
-Johnson County Food and Policy Council 

"As a member of the Farm and Food Coalition, Kansas Rural Center’s Tom Buller was invited to Governor Laura Kelly’s signing of the Axe the Food Tax Bill. While this is certainly something to celebrate, KRC and our partners will continue to push for a quicker path to eliminate the state food sales tax and sales tax exemption for all farm products sold at farmer’s markets."
-Kansas Rural Center

"We are frustrated lawmakers refused to prioritize this change during the legislative session and waited until almost the last possible opportunity to give money back to Kansas families. But this change will help many Kansans in the future, especially as we continue to see inflated prices on groceries and stagnated earnings among those living on low wages." 
-Kansas Action for Children