
Glamp Pin Oak Scheduled at Lake of the Ozarks State Park

Clubs and Organizations

September 16, 2022

From: Lake of the Ozarks State Park

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Have you missed going to summer camp? Or perhaps you heard how awesome camp is but never had the chance to go. If you are an adult woman who wants to have a magical camp experience for the first, or even 14th time, Glamp Pin Oak is for you!

Combining “glam” and “camp,” Glamp Pin Oak is a unique opportunity for women to experience the outdoors, while learning how to be safe, confident and comfortable in the outdoor environment. All sessions are created for women and taught by women, and provide the opportunity to learn by doing.

Glamp Pin Oak will be Sept. 30 through Oct. 2, and will take place at the historic Camp Pin Oak at Lake of the Ozarks Sate Park. Built in the 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corps, Camp Pin Oak has been the site for generations of gatherings by nonprofit youth groups, such as the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Campfire sing-alongs, new friends and outdoor adventures have made the camp a lasting memory for all ages. Once registered, directions and a map will be sent.

Glamp Pin Oak offers participants the chance to sleep in a four-person, rustic screened cabin. Participants will have single beds with mattresses and storage for personal belongings. These cabins do not offer heat or air conditioning. If you are attending with a friend or family member, just put it in the cabin mate request field in your registration. If you are registering with fewer than four women in your group, there is a chance you may share a cabin with someone not in your group. Showers and restrooms are available on site.

Participants must be at least 21 years old. Registration includes four meals, snacks, beverages, lodging, activities, insulated lunch bag, can koozie and an unforgettable weekend. Cost is $90 per person. To register, visit icampmo.com and enter “GLAMP” in the search box.

Glamp Pin Oak is an active, outdoor event. Participants may walk on surfaces containing roots, embedded rocks and minimal elevation change. To help participants anticipate each course and know what physical levels to expect, a physical rating system follows:

  • Low: Requires minimal physical skill/endurance (ex., lecture-based and hands-on activities in a classroom setting)
  • Moderate: Requires moderate physical skill/endurance (ex., short walks; lecture-based and hands-on activities while standing)
  • High: Requires high levels of skill/endurance (ex., hiking; lifting; full-body movement; lecture-based and hands-on activities while standing)

Classes and their level of physical activity follow:

  • Campfire Cooking (low) – Learn campfire cooking techniques for your next outdoor adventure! Participants will learn how to cook over a campfire and all about Dutch-oven cooking. Food will be provided for participants to prepare and samples will be available.
  • Kayaking (moderate/high) – Learn the basics of flatwater kayaking, including areas such as equipment, entering and exiting, strokes, safety, water and wind. By the end of the class, you’ll feel more comfortable on the water, better understand the safety risks around you and have more fun the next time you go. Participants will have time to practice and explore.
  • Nature Journaling (low) – Documenting what you come across in nature using lists, drawings and photos is a great way to help make your time in nature more memorable. The focus of this activity will be on learning how to document and photograph the cool things you can find in nature! Journals, pencils, colored pencils and instant-print cameras will be provided for this session.
  • Historical Outdoor Skills (low) – Discover your own inherent ability to throw an atlatl, start a fire and navigate in this historical outdoor skills program. No prior experience necessary!
  • Tie-Dye (low) – Tie-dyeing is a method of dyeing by hand in which colored patterns are produced in the fabric by gathering together many small portions of material and tying them tightly with string before immersing the cloth in the dye bath. Each participant will receive one item to tie-dye and will also be permitted to bring one item from home to also tie-dye during the session. It is recommended to bring a white t-shirt or other cotton blend item for this activity.

If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Ratcliff at 573-751-1643. Lake of the Ozarks State Park is located at 403 Highway 134 in Kaiser.

For more information on state parks and historic sites, visit mostateparks.com. Missouri State Parks is a division of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.