
Financial Freedom for Artists at Arts Mid-Hudson

Arts and Entertainment

April 24, 2023

From: Arts Mid-Hudson

Are you sick and tired of being stressed or anxious about money? In this workshop, you will receive practical coaching and instruction on how to live life on a plan, and achieve true financial freedom. Anyone who attends will leave with the know-how to create financial freedom for themselves. We will learn about budgeting for life as an artist and tackle individual obstacles with each participant. This workshop is for any artist at any point in their financial journey.

Materials Needed: An open mind, an overview of their individual financial status, and a way to take notes.

Age: 18 and up

Date: Saturday, May 13, 2023

Time: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Location: 129 Cornell Street, Kingston, NY

Price Per Student: $5 AMH members; $15 non-members - scholarships for workshops available - contact [email protected] with Subject Line: “Workshop Scholarship”

For more details https://www.artsmidhudson.org/workshops/financialfreedom22