
Ellen Miller Gallery : Mark Bradley-Shoup: Hitch Up

Arts and Entertainment

August 9, 2022

From: Ellen Miller Gallery

Summer is a time of travel, exploration and discovery. Mark Bradley-Shoup paints the very emblem of the summer journey: the camper. His practice takes him far and wide across America in search of these iconic homes on wheels. This recent body of work explores the notions of transient shelter and the ubiquitous camper form as a vessel for both escape and refuge. Bradley-Shoup superb skill at simplifying and reducing these eccentric structures into modernist forms highlights their enduring presence in our American culture.

Mark Bradley-Shoup earned his BFA from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in Painting and Drawing and his MFA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Studio Art. He has exhibited his work in Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta, Nashville, Knoxville, Omaha, Miami, Birmingham, Santa Monica, New Orleans and Vancouver, B.C. In addition to his extensive exhibition record, Bradley-Shoup has been the recipient two Make Work grants, the Individual Artist Fellowship from the Tennessee Arts Commission, an Individual Arts Grant form Allied Arts of Greater Chattanooga, and a Pollock-Krasner Grant, as well as nominated for the Dedalus Foundation, Joan Mitchell Award and a George Marshall Fellowship.