
City Of West Haven City Notes - June 6, 2022

Government and Politics

June 9, 2022

From: City Of West Haven

Vietnam War Army veteran Al Beck Sr., right, and his son, Al Beck Jr., lay a wreath at the base of the William A. Soderman Memorial in Bradley Point Park during West Haven’s dedication of the 14th phase of the brick Veterans Walk of Honor on Saturday. The late-afternoon ceremony was moved from a week earlier because of rain. (City Photo/Michael P. Walsh)

58 bricks dedicated on Veterans Walk of Honor

Joined by city and state leaders and members of West Haven’s Veterans Council and three fire departments, dozens of veterans and their families from all corners of Connecticut and beyond turned out late Saturday afternoon to help dedicate 58 bricks as part of the 14th phase of the Veterans Walk of Honor.

Standing on the Walk of Honor in the heart of Bradley Point Park, Mayor Nancy R. Rossi delivered remarks to the patriotic crowd, many donning red, white and blue.

“Thank you to the West Haven Veterans Council for continuing this tradition as well as city Human Resources Commissioner Beth A. Sabo for overseeing the construction (of each installment of the walkway’s bricks),” said Rossi, speaking in front of a black granite memorial in commemoration of World War II Army Pfc. William A. Soderman.

Rossi continued: “Here we honor both the living and deceased veterans, and I would like to reflect on the valor of our brave men and women who served. I hope that each of you are able to take a moment today, spending time with each installment here. I would like to thank each veteran for their service, their courage and their commitment to our country.”

State Rep. Dorinda Borer served as the master of ceremonies for the event, postponed from a week earlier because of rain.

“We want to thank those who are participating in this phase and all phases, as we know this symbolization is significant to each of you,” said Borer, D-West Haven. “Some of the bricks were bought for your brother, your son, your daughter, your father. I actually have one here for my father, and some of you have purchased a brick for a near and dear friend.

“Whomever you are recognizing, we know you carry them in your heart, and together, we are thankful for their service.”

Read the full story and see the photos at Veterans Walk of Honor.