
City Of Valdez - Communications Updates

Government and Politics

December 6, 2022

From: City of Valdez

In October, we launched our first FlashVote survey on City communications and had a 69% participation rate. Thank you for your feedback, as we were thrilled with the responses! We've reviewed and analyzed the results and have some updates and initiatives to share.

Communications Department Web Page

The Communications Department has launched the Communications and Engagement web page on the City of Valdez website. This web page includes information on public participation and ways to stay informed, general information and media relations, city news, branding guidelines, and upcoming projects. We will continue improving the page and adding information as needed to ensure we build awareness and keep residents and visitors informed.

City of Valdez Electronic Newsletter

Beginning in January 2023, The City of Valdez will publish a monthly electronic newsletter. The newsletter will include updates on City government business and meeting outcomes from City Council and Boards & Commissions, including public engagement opportunities. Information will also be shared on City services, programs, events, staff/department highlights, helpful tips on City topics, and more!

Individuals can subscribe now to the newsletter by visiting the Notify Me web page.

Stay tuned for upcoming information on the City's electronic newsletter, including how you can help name the newsletter! 

City of Valdez Website

Many of you shared frustration about the City's website through the FlashVote survey. We know the City's website is a crucial communication tool. The website should act as a clearinghouse for City information, thereby being the foundation of all City communication efforts. We are committed to creating a more contemporary design with an accessible, better-branded, and more consistent user navigation experience. In this spirit, we begin redesigning the City's website, including design, images, content, and navigation. We look forward to launching a newly updated and improved website within the new year. 

Website Photo Project - Spirit of Valdez

As part of the website redesign, we want to highlight local artists' photographs and the Valdez community. We are encouraging residents and visitors to submit photos that embody what Valdez and the surrounding areas "means" to the photographer. This free and open photo contest seeks to inspire the creation and dissemination of positive imagery that conveys Valdez's beauty, importance, and life. Photographers retain all copyrights to their images. The City of Valdez maintains the right to publish the entries in any format and feature the photos on the City’s website. Selected images may be included in the City of Valdez's social media posts in the context of congratulating and/or featuring the photos. Please email your submissions to [email protected]. Those photographers submitting pictures for consideration should also complete the Photo and License Release form. Be sure to spread the word! 

Notify Me - City News and Announcements

The City of Valdez makes it easy to directly receive important information about what is happening in the City via email or text. Notify Me is a free, subscription-based service to keep you informed of the latest news and announcements from the City of Valdez.  Notify Me categories include Civic Center Cinema updates, Bid Postings, Calendars, and News Flash: City News & Announcements, News Releases, and Public Notices. Individuals can subscribe to any or all of these categories by visiting the Notify Me web page.

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