
City Of Tucson News From Steve K... - December 31, 2022

Government and Politics

January 2, 2023

From: City Of Tucson

Tucson Plastic Diversion Program

In August when the Ward 6/ByFusion 'pilot' program for collecting non-recyclable plastic began, one of our goals was to see if the community was on board. Should we continue the program after the end of the year, or simply let it sunset with 2022.

The answer is crystal clear - the program must and will continue. In just 5 months community members have contributed 37 tons of plastic to the program. That's over 74,000 pounds of plastic diverted from the landfill. In January the mayor and city council will discuss the logistics of how we make this a permanent program. While that is being decided you are welcome to simply continue doing what you've been doing - bring us your plastic and in partnership with ByFusion we will see it fabricated into construction-grade blocks.

This weekend is NOT your 'last chance to contribute.' There's no need to rush down with that one last haul from the holidays. Relax, enjoy the New Year's weekend and bring us your left-over plastic next week. The program will continue, thanks to the overwhelming support we've seen from all over the region. The entire Ward 6 staff, ByFusion and our Environmental Services staff thank you for your support.